
DevOps, Cloud Native, Hybrid Cloud, Open Source, industry news, and the ‘ish between.

DevOps’ish 177 Notes

Every week I comb through 1000s of articles that get curated down to about 100 URLs eligible to be in DevOps'ish. Those URLs land in a notes file that end up being source material for the newsletter. Being in that group of ~100 links is an achievement and should be lauded. It's a shame when I have to choose between having too many links or someone's special thing getting featured in the newsletter. Read more →

DevOps’ish 177: The Hiatus Edition

“We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again. But for now, I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.” -Queen Elizabeth II As mentioned last week, the newsletter is going on a hiatus. I’m not sure for how long, but it will be a while. Read more →

DevOps’ish 176

Next week’s DevOps’ish (177) will be the last DevOps’ish for a while. I’m going to be putting DevOps’ish on a COVID-19 hiatus. A large part of making this newsletter is reading the news every day. Even with very heavy-handed filtering, the amount of data I read about the ongoing pandemic is far higher than one should be consuming. I’m pausing DevOps’ish because the news is hard to read these days. Read more →

DevOps’ish 176 Notes

Every week I comb through 1000s of articles that get curated down to about 100 URLs eligible to be in DevOps'ish. Those URLs land in a notes file that end up being source material for the newsletter. Being in that group of ~100 links is an achievement and should be lauded. It's a shame when I have to choose between having too many links or someone's special thing getting featured in the newsletter. Read more →

DevOps’ish 175

I was going to make a list of things you could learn this week but, the tech world got a notable call to arms this week. We need more COBOL developers in the US. The glut of unemployment claims has crippled mainframe systems designed to run in a satisfactory government manner under normal conditions. “The governor of New Jersey just put out the call on live TV that he is desperate for Cobol programmers right now. Read more →

DevOps’ish 175 Notes

Every week I comb through 1000s of articles that get curated down to about 100 URLs eligible to be in DevOps'ish. Those URLs land in a notes file that end up being source material for the newsletter. Being in that group of ~100 links is an achievement and should be lauded. It's a shame when I have to choose between having too many links or someone's special thing getting featured in the newsletter. Read more →

DevOps’ish 174

There was some discussion in the DevOps’ish Telegram about what the topic of this intro should be this week. One suggestion was excellent; I’m probably going to run with it next week. But, I understand that there are some of you looking for something to learn while we’re in this odd time. I wrote this week’s newsletter with that in mind. If you don’t know git, now is the time to learn for sure. Read more →

DevOps’ish 174 Notes

Every week I comb through 1000s of articles that get curated down to about 100 URLs eligible to be in DevOps'ish. Those URLs land in a notes file that end up being source material for the newsletter. Being in that group of ~100 links is an achievement and should be lauded. It's a shame when I have to choose between having too many links or someone's special thing getting featured in the newsletter. Read more →

DevOps’ish 173

The impact of the coronavirus hit the tech events industry hard this week. In a shocking move on Tuesday, O’Reilly announced it has immediately ceased all in-person events. To add insult to injury, O’Reilly laid off their entire events staff during a pandemic. To make matters worse, under US law, they’ll get only a week of health insurance benefits, meager support for COBRA (super expensive health insurance), and any severance is based solely on tenure. Read more →

DevOps’ish 173 Notes

Every week I comb through 1000s of articles that get curated down to about 100 URLs eligible to be in DevOps'ish. Those URLs land in a notes file that end up being source material for the newsletter. Being in that group of ~100 links is an achievement and should be lauded. It's a shame when I have to choose between having too many links or someone's special thing getting featured in the newsletter. Read more →