Bloomberg column: The FEMA model is a WMD

Hi all,

On my walk to work I realized that the new FEMA model – which was used to strong-arm the Arizona governor into opening early – is a WMD, i.e. important, secret, and destructive:


Decisions on reopening should involve public data and debate.


See more of my columns here.


Categories: Uncategorized

Robot Overlords and a Eulogy to the Subway

Categories: Uncategorized

Two new Bloomberg Posts!!

Guys I’m sorry I forgot to blog last Friday about a piece I wrote:





More columns are here.

Categories: Uncategorized

New Bloomberg Column: Let’s not make things worse for older people

I was happy to connect with my friend Ashton Applewhite, an ageism activist whom I met at TED, to discuss aging in the time of Covid-19. It led to this new Bloomberg column:


Pandemic Data Could Be Deadly for the Old


See other columns I wrote here.

Categories: Uncategorized

New Bloomberg Column: This is Not The Flattened Curve We Were Promised

An empirical observation about models versus reality:


This Isn’t the Flattened Curve We Were Promised


See other columns I wrote here.

Categories: Uncategorized

New Bloomberg Column: COVID-19 tracking will not work

Another skeptical column from me today:


The Covid-19 Tracking App Won’t Work



See other columns I wrote here.

Categories: Uncategorized

New Bloomberg column: 10 Reasons to Doubt the Covid-19 Data

Hi all,

I’m back at Bloomberg, writing about reasons to doubt the daily data we keep seeing. I’ve added a few reasons since my post last week. Also, I’m preparing myself for bad data today and tomorrow delayed from Easter weekend:

10 Reasons to Doubt the Covid-19 Data

The pandemic’s true toll might never be known.


See other columns I wrote here.

Categories: Uncategorized