People Innovation Excellence

Double Degree Program


Double-degree program is a program that is carried out by two different universities in which student is expected to complete two programs in a regular time period. Students with double-degree program are able to complete two programs in less time that it would take to earn them separately. The two degrees might be in the same or similar subject.

The program will run based on the Joint/Double Degree Agreement. The program will allow you to complete a degree from BINUS UNIVERSITY and a degree from partner institution.

Name of Institution Degree from Partner University Degree from BINUS UNIVERSITY Total Length of the Program Further Info
Deakin University, Australia Bachelor of Game Design and Development Sarjana Komputer (S.Kom.) 3.5 years BINUS UNIVERSITY – Deakin University Dual Degree Program
University of Canberra, Australia Bachelor of Communication in Advertising Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi
(S. I. Kom)
4 years BINUS UNIVERSITY – University of Canberra Dual Degree Program
The University of Nottingham, UK BSc (Hons) Computer Science Sarjana Komputer (S.Kom.) 4 years BINUS UNIVERSITY – The University of Nottingham Twinning Program
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Artificial Engineering
BSc (Hons) Software System

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