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The PHD Movies are the film adaptations of the comic strip "Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham. The films take a smart and humorous look at the world of Academia through the eyes of four grad students, and features real academics (including several MacArthur Geniuses and a Nobel Prize winner!) in many of the roles. They were made possible by the incredible efforts of volunteers and the support of thousands of fans, and by the generosity of Caltech and the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter. The movies were featured in the New York Times, Nature, and Science Magazine among others, and screened at over 500 locations worldwide.

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...PHD wants to come to YOUR campus! To find out how you can help add your school to the PHD tour, CLICK HERE!

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I'm back! - PHD Comics are back from hiatus. Expect one or two comics a week. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for the latest notifications.

20 YEARS! - PHD Comics turns 20! We are celebrating by Kickstarting a new book, having a huge sale and offering custom comics and cartoons! Join the fun by clicking here!

The PHD Store - is back online! Need a gift for the holidays? Why not a book, mug or shirt that matches their level of procrastination sophistication?

A Message from Jorge -

You may have noticed the huge banner below each comic. I apologize if it's too big, but I'm very excited to announce that my new book is on sale! We Have No Idea is a fun and accessible book about the Universe and how little we know of it. It's full of clear and fun explanations and cartoons. I spent a whole year working with physicist Daniel Whiteson to create the book, so it would be awesome if you took a moment to check it out and consider buying it!

When we wrote it, we were inspired to make a book that doesn't just talk about what we know, but also what we don't know about the Universe. How else will the next generation of scientists and explorers be inspired to go out there and expand our horizons?

So take a look, and consider buying it for yourself or gifting it to a friend or family member who is graduating! What better present than a book about everything we don't know?

Thank you all for supporting all my crazy efforts (movies, videos, books) over the years! I hope you enjoy the book!


WE HAVE NO IDEA Release! - My new book is now on sale! Order it now!

And check out the book tour map and come see us at one of many fun events!

Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"!

Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing! Check out the schedule to catch the screening nearest you.

Filming is done! - Take a sneak peek behind the scenes of the new PHD Movie 2:

Coming to Campuses this Fall!
Stay tuned for updates on how to organize a screening at your University.

The Science Gap - Watch Jorge's TEDx Talk:

All content copyright 1997-2016 Piled Higher and Deeper Publishing, LLC. Dreamhosted!