We Are Digital

Problem Solvers

We Create Marketing Solutions

Increase your search traffic, social engagement

and give your business the online exposure that it deserves

What We Do



Before we begin your project we like to get to know your business and develop and in depth understanding of your needs and goals

Business Analysis

Our team of incredibly talented marketers and web designers will anaylze your business’s website, social properties and overall web presence



With a full understanding of your business our team will work tirelessly to design a system that encapsulates your business’s personal needs.

Increase Exposure

Simply watch as your business starts to climb the search engine rankings and get ready to answer the new phone calls or social media messages

Increase Sales

Stop worrying about advertising and marketing to get customers. Let us handle that. Free up your time to build customer relationships and make sales


Save Time

One aspect top level employees and business owners forget about, TIME. Don’t stress over what is and isn’t trending, your ctr, video views, or any other time consuming marketing task.

Who We Are

Who Is EclatSEO?

We are a digital marketing agency in El Monte, CA. We mainly work out of El Monte, San Bernardino, Rowland Heights and Long Beach. If you wanted to work with us but don’t live in those cities don’t worry we are happy to travel for work. We offer our services throughout the united states and if possible we take on international clients, so long as there focus is the same as ours. What is our main focus? It’s simple SMALL BUSINESS. We believe every honest and ethical hardworking business deserves a chance to thrive and succeed. We aim to find win-win situations to help small businesses succeed. Don’t have an endless stream of cash like a big corporation? Not a problem. Don’t have in house marketing team to handle your day to day? Not a problem. Don’t have extra time to setup socials, citations and other accounts? Not a problem. Don’t really understand marketing? The truth is you don’t need to. At EclatSEO we understand marketing so you don’t have to. We want to give you a leg up on all those big chains and corporations that still run on old outdated methods

Who Is EclatSEO?

We are a digital marketing agency in El Monte, CA. We mainly work out of El Monte, San Bernardino, Rowland Heights and Long Beach. If you wanted to work with us but don’t live in those cities don’t worry we are happy to travel for work. We offer our services throughout the united states.



Search Engine Optimization

Our agency is known for our search engine optimization results. Heck we are so good at it we put it in our name. We are great at SEO and can achieve amazing results with SEO alone but we wont force it on you.

Web Design

We’d love to design a site for you. We make sites that can fit anyones budget. whether you want a pricey multi page site made from scratch or are on a budget we can build out a site that works for you.

Content Marketing

Do you need content for your socials? Maybe some articles for your blog? We help create content centered around your brand and products to help build your social presence.

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