Advisory Board

Trace Mayer, J.D.

Trace Mayer, J.D. is an entrepreneur, investor, journalist, monetary scientist, and ardent defender of the freedom of speech.
Trace holds a degree in Accounting and a law degree. He has studied Austrian economics focusing on the work of Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises.
He is a strong advocate of the freedom of speech, operates RunToGold and HowToVanish, has authored The Great Credit Contraction, and coauthored How To Vanish: The Book, Bitcoin Beginner’s Guide, and A Lawyer’s Take On Bitcoin And Taxes, How To Vanish Mini-Guide To Financial Privacy, How To Vanish Mini-Guide To Political Privacy, How To Vanish Mini-Guide To Personal Privacy, and Secrets of Independent Contractors and How To Profit From Them. He is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the San Diego County Bar Association.
Trace has appeared on Canada’s national financial network BNN, ABC, NBC, many radio shows, conferences, to many private groups and is syndicated through Seeking Alpha, Yahoo! Finance, and MarketWatch.
He was among the first popular bloggers to publicly recommend bitcoin in its infancy with a market cap under $2m and well before its massive rise to about $1b in March 2013. He has presented on bitcoin, both objectively and persuasively, to a wide variety of audiences including members of the Federal Reserve, Bundesbank, major financial institutions, HNWIs, conferences, and many others.
So if you like, use or have profited from bitcoin then there is a chance you were directly or indirectly influenced by Trace.
An accurate future predicting seven minute interview on BNN on October 9, 2009:

Trace has always been very interested in entrepreneurship, money and the financial markets. He believes education is the key to opportunity and that humility, the ability to change and adapt, are essential to successfully allocate capital.
Among those influenced about bitcoin include Robert Wenzel of Economic Policy Journal, Chris Powell of GATA, Lew Rockwell,, Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante, The Silver Vigilante, John Rubino of Dollar Collapse, Jason Burack of Wall Street For Main Street, BrotherJohnF, Michael of The Daily Paul, Max Keiser, James Turk of GoldMoney, Kerry Lutz of the Financial Survival Network and Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends were, as a result of Trace’s work, all influenced early on and persuaded to use and accept bitcoins.
Read his CrunchBase profile.