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Portneuf on Cƿuebece
Flag of Canada.svg
Ðǣre Cwēne Canadiscan Geatwe
Þēodlic cwide: A Mari Usque Ad Mare
(Englisc: "Fram sǣ oð sǣ")
Canada (orthographic projection).svg
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Nīƿe Englisc and Frencisc
Steall Sundorrīce in þǣre Þēodacyneƿīsan
Hēafodstōl Ottaƿa
Brego Elisabeþ II Cƿēn
Gemǣna Gereca Julie Payette
Lēodweardes hēafod Justin Trudeau
Brādnes 3,855,100 mīla2
Menniscu 2016 35,151,728
Landesforþbæro C$1.628 x1012
Feoh Canadisc Doler, $
Tīdgyrdel Eallic tīd −3.5 to −8
Þēodlic antefn O Canada
Webbnamena tægl .ca
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande 1

Canada is land in Norðamerican. Þis land hæfþ 34 þūsenda þūsend menn. Nīƿe Englisc and Frencisc sind ambihtlica sprǣca. In norþ Nīƿu Scotlande folce sprǣc Scyttisc and Nīƿe Englisc.

Ƿeald[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Elisabeþ II Cƿēn

Cænada is cynerīce. Se Gemǣnelican Gerǣsƿan is Cƿēna forƿyrhta in Cænadan, and undergerǣsƿa in ǣlcum underrīċe. Cænadan hēafodstōl is Ottaƿa in Ontarioe underrīce. Þǣr sitteþ Gebindes Ƿitenagemōt and sēo Styrung.

Cænada hæfþ tīene underrīċe and þrēo landscipas:

Underrīcu[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Landscipe[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Elisabeþe rīciu
Personal flag of Queen Elizabeth II.svg Antigua and Barbuda • Australia • Þā Bahamas • Barbados • Belīs • Canada • Geāned Cynerīce • Grenēda • Iamaica • Nīƿe Sǣland • Papua Nīƿ Guinea • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sancte Lucīa • Sanctus-Finsent and þā Grenadingas • Salomon Īege • Tufalu

Rīcu in Norðamerican
Antīga and Barbūda | Þā Bahamas | Barbados | Belīs | Canada | Costa Rīca | Cūba | Dominica | Dominicisce Cyneƿīse | Se Neriend | Geānedan Rīcu | Grenēda | Guatemala | Haīti | Hondūras | Iamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis | Sancte Lucīa | Sanctus-Finsent and þā Grenadingas | Þrines and Tobāgo
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Arūba | Bermuda | Bryttiscan Fæmne Īegland | Cægman Īegland | G.R. Fæmne Īegland | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Halga Petrus and Micelong | Martinīc | Montserrat | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Port Rīce | Turcas and Caicos Īegland
Maple Leaf (from roundel).png Underrīce and landscipas Canadan
Underrīce Alberta • Bryttisc Columbia • Ēadƿeard Æþelinges Īegland • Manitoba • Nīƿ Brunsƿic • Nīƿe Scotland • Nīƿgefundenland and Labrador • Ontario • Cƿuebec • Sascatceƿan
Landscipas Geocon • Norþƿest Landscipas • Nunavut
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