Quality RTOS & Embedded Software


  • Ensuring the Memory Safety of FreeRTOS Part 2
    In Part 1, we discussed how FreeRTOS is addressing an important source of security issues — buffer overflows — by ensuring the memory safety of the TCP/IP, ARP, DHCP, DNS, and HTTPS header parsing in the FreeRTOS+TCP TCP/IP stack. We described how we’re using an automated reasoning technique, software model checking, and how the level […]
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  • Using FreeRTOS on ARMv8-M Microcontrollers
    [Also see the page that describes how to set ARM Cortex-M interrupt priorities when using FreeRTOS.] ARM introduced TrustZone to the Cortex-M series of microcontrollers with the ARMv8-M architecture. TrustZone is an optional security extension that enables two security domains within a single processor. Cortex-M cores (including the Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23) that include TrustZone use […]
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  • FreeRTOS V10.3.1 Now Available and LTS Development Underway
    We are excited to share the following updates with you: FreeRTOS V10.3.1 is now available for immediate download. V10.3.1, among other things, enhances our memory protection unit (MPU) ports for both ARM v7-M and ARM v8-M cores, and extends RISC-V support to include a new IAR port. With this release, we are also officially switching […]
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  • Simple Multicore Core to Core Communication Using FreeRTOS message buffers
    [The STM32H745I demo in the FreeRTOS download provides a worked example of the control buffer scheme described below.] In this post I describe how to implement a basic and light weight core to core communication scheme using FreeRTOS Message Buffers, which are lockless circular buffers that can pass data packets of varying sizes from a […]
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  • Ensuring the Memory Safety of FreeRTOS Part 1
    FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system designed for resource-constrained devices, including devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). Because these devices are resource-constrained, they do not provide all the hardware mechanisms richer operating systems utilize to protect the system from external adversaries. On such small devices, security depends on simpler memory protection and execution privilege level hardware, […]
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