Campbell Global Pooled Fund for Child welfare in low- and middle-income countries

Despite considerable progress in reducing child mortality, nearly six million under-fives die each year. Millions of children are poorly nourished and go to bed hungry. Quality of education remains poor, and coverage of early child development programmes is still too low. Children are at risk from multiple violations of their rights: child labour, early marriage, violence and sexual exploitation. Disadvantaged children become disadvantaged adolescents and adults, thus perpetuating intergenerational poverty.

This Global Pooled Fund supports a global repository of evidence synthesis of rigorous evidence of what works, for whom and under what circumstances, supported by knowledge translation activities to make the research available to policy makers and practitioners.

Evidence mega-map

With the support of the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Campbell has made an evidence mega-map to help inform research priorities in this area. Please send any comments or queries to Ashrita Saran.


Support this Global Pooled Fund

Campbell is looking for funding partners to join the Global Pooled Fund. Read our information sheet to find out more or contact Campbell CEO Howard White to discuss how your organisation can get involved.



Contact us

  • P.O. Box 222 Skøyen
    0213 Oslo
  • +47 2107 8100