Alam Sutera Campus
- Teknik Informatika
- Sistim Informasi
- Business Creation
- International Business Management
- International Marketing
- Manajemen
- Akuntansi
- Finance
- Marketing Communication
- Mass Communication
- DKV Animasi
- DKV New Media
- Film
- Sastra Cina
- Food Technology
- Magister Manajemen (S1 + S2)
Beberapa fasilitas yang tersedia di Kampus Alam Sutera:
- Parkir mobil dan motor*
- Perpustakaan
- Wi-fi
- Ruang kelas
- Ruang LSS (Lecturer and Service Center)
- Internet corner
- SAC (Student Advisory Center)
- Biro Kemahasiswaan
- Admission Office
- Kantin dan Gazebo
- Ruangan Lab
- Copy center
- Gedung Olahraga ( GOR BINUS @Alamsutera )
Contact Us BINUS University @Alam Sutera 021 – 2977 9100 |
tiyo Dear Binus Fakultas apa saja yg ada di kampus Binus University @Alam Sutera ? Saya ingin kuliah yg dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya. Terimakasih
BINUS University ALAM SUTERA Accounting & Finance Automotive and Robotics Engineering (BINUS ASO School of Engineering) Business Creation Chinese Computer Science DKV Animation DKV New Media Finance Food Technology Information Systems International Business Management International Marketing Management Marketing Communication Product Design Engineering (BINUS ASO School of Engineering)
Arini Telfon ke no 02153696919 susahhhhhh sekali.....apakah rusak atau sdh tdk aktif? Sy mau bicara dgn admision binus kemanggisan. Tksh
BINUS University silahkan menghubungi ke Customer Service kami di : Direct Line: (62 -21) 53 69 69 69, 53 69 69 99