Our work

We seed, incubate, and set-up new initiatives and organisations that fill gaps, expand capacity, and accelerate work in the impact areas and regions in which we operate.


At Luminate we are fortunate to have the flexibility to use a wide range of levers to tackle the issues we are focused on, to support our partners, and to deliver impact. Alongside for-profit and non-profit funding, we are undertaking more advocacy and are occasionally playing a more operational role, collaborating with new and existing partners to seed, incubate, and establish new initiatives and organisations.

We do this in a variety of ways such as developing new pooled funds to crowd in capital for priority issues or helping to stand up new organisations that are complementary to the work of our existing partners. These initiatives fill gaps and help to accelerate nascent areas of work in the impact areas and regions in which we operate.

These projects often sit outside of Luminate as standalone entities that hold and manage funding and have their own brands, staff, and strategies. We are also open to opportunities to collaborate more directly with other funders to stand up new organisations, allowing us to take a more hands-on role in policy development and advocacy, research, and other projects.