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Amsterdam Mamas group

Building a group means always having somewhere to turn to with people who understand what you're going through.

Emmy McCarthy

The YesTribe group

This group has made me believe in myself and helped me find the family I didn't even know I needed.

Dave Cornthwaite

Girl Gone International group

Groups give me a sense of belonging no matter where I am in the world.

Anne Scott

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Science and Tech
Audio Engineering Group
This group was originally founded as the Audio Engineering Society group. But now we are just the Audio Engineering Group. Essentially, this Facebook Group is an industry trade group for those who are professional audio engineers, and for audio production students formally training for a career in audio engineering. This group has many professionals that are happy to share their experience and knowledge. Please be considerate of their time. While we encourage the growth of each individual’s knowledge, if an answer to a question can be found via user documentation and/or a simple web search, please read over that content first before bringing that subject to this forum. To ensure unrelated posts and spam do not appear on the group, please note the POSTING GUIDELINES below. (Feel free to send us any comments on these guidelines!) WE ENCOURAGE POSTS THAT ARE: 1- TEXT-based questions, comments, discussion points. 2- Helpful, educational, and directly relevant to Professional Audio Production 3- Videos and/or media posts that offer "significant professional, educational merit" THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF POSTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL BE REMOVED: 1- blatant self-promotion, (or even unblatant self-promotion) 2- any type of advertising or advertorial links 3- any post not on-point to the forum 4- any post showing aggressive/rude behavior or language 5- any type of SPAM (obviously!) 6- any questions on cracked software, using cracked s/w, or where/how to get it 7- jokes or comical posts (they are fun, but are just noise to some - pun intended) 8- videos or cross posts from other forums/blogs (unless a specific question or discussion point accompanies it) or fail to meet qualifications set above 9- posts regarding politics and religion 10- posts promoting specific performance acts, recordings and similar without the discussion of specific audio engineering subjects 11- posts badmouthing/bashing others, especially engineers and/or producers 12- posts intended to seek out potential customers for your products or services (unless someone specifically asks for those recommendations) 13- posts from Bots or other automatic spamming devices REPEATED OFFENSES TO THE ABOVE WILL RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF THAT GROUP MEMBER
29K members19 new posts
Women Who Travel
Welcome to Conde Nast Traveler's Women Who Travel group, a place where all self-identifying female travel lovers can join in conversation about what it means to travel as a woman today. Community Guidelines: DO engage with the community, share and comment on posts, and tag your friends! DO ask questions and give answers to other group members—but please be respectful of our differing opinions on the world. DO stay on topic: This is a group about travel, so let's talk all things travel! DO use the ‘search’ bar on the left before asking for travel tips: duplicate threads may be deleted! DO lift other women up––we encourage positivity! NO spam. NO advertisements: all posts advertising items for sale, personal businesses, and travel agencies will be deleted and posters will be removed.* NO soliciting. NO hate speech: Bullying other group members will not be tolerated and offenders will be removed from the group. Harassment of a group moderator or member, even outside of the group, will lead to being blocked. If you experience bullying, please contact Facebook directly. *The ONLY two exceptions to no advertisements: 1. As Condé Nast Traveler, the admin account for this group, we will sometimes post about Women Who Travel meetups, trips, and podcast episodes. We have developed these for this group, and will share them here. 2.) There are three dedicated threads in this group that will act as our community bulletin boards. One is for sharing volunteer opportunities, one is for sharing your social media handles (personal only), and one is for sharing your travel blogs (travel only, please!). These are the only places you may promote these items in the group. Use the search bar to locate them. Please help us keep this space safe: report any posts that violate these community guidelines using the 'report' feature alongside comments and posts. Direct messages to moderators will not be responded to. If you start a thread, you will always have the power to turn off comments, hide responses, and delete the post if need be. If something violates Facebook's community guidelines, you should report posts directly to Facebook. (Please keep in mind that the moderators are only online during normal business hours from 10am-5pm EST, Monday-Friday. Please use self-moderating tips above during on and off hours.) Continue the conversation with us every week on our Women Who Travel Podcast, hosted by moderators Meredith and Lale: Read more stories about female travelers on our site: By joining this group, you agree to these community guidelines.
150K members94 new posts
Girls Who Travel
WEB: IG: TWITTER: JOB CONNECTIONS: BOOK CLUB: PILLOW TALK: GWTbnb: NEWSLETTER: WHAT IS GIRLS WHO TRAVEL Founded in 2011, Girls Who Travel is one of the original online female travel networks. We are an education and empowerment network for travelers who identify as non-masculine/non-male. Read more about that here Our mission is to empower women travelers to explore beyond their boundaries and to create a more connected and inclusive world through responsible global citizenship. We work together to follow the shared values of the GWT PROMISE ( WE SEEK TO: 👉 Create a more inclusive world through education and respectful communication. 👉 Empower women with the tools to explore beyond their boundaries and learn more about themselves and the world. 👉 Stop the culture of silence and violence by giving women around the globe a safe place to share, learn, grow and travel. Our core values are inclusivity, open-mindedness and non-judgement - all wrapped up in our shared love of TRAVEL! Please review the pinned post for the House Rules and Community Agreement. Members who do not abide by the group guidelines are removed! 🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬 Need assistance? Contact #GWTLove Team Girls Who Travel
75K members23 new posts
Buy and Sell
This group was created to sell, buy and trade items only. Please treat everyone in the group in a respectful manner. Please do not post services, programs, subscriptions, "Opportunities", or job offers as they will be considered spam and deleted. We ask that you do not promote other groups or other sights (with the exception of a craigslist link to a "for sale item") while listing your items. This is to help reduce spam. Thank you for your understanding. Your past posts have been left up. This is for all future posts. (3/24/16) ***If you post a picture with a web sight/link in the photo your ad will be removed...NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!**** We ask that you do not sell or try to re-home any animals as of 7/16/16 ***The sale of any illegal substance or product is grounds for immediate kick and ban from the group with no warning. ***POST THAT DO NOT ALOW COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED AND MEMBER WILL BE BLOCKED***** ****OFFENDERS OF ANY OF THESE RULES WITH BE KICKED AND BLOCKED WITHOUT WARNING!!!**** IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME BEFORE POSTING!! ************************************************************************* IF YOUR FACEBOOK ACOUNT IS LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD AND WISH TO BE ADDED TO THIS GROUP YOU MUST MESSAGE ME (OR ANOTHER ADMIN) FIRST OR YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO THE GROUP!!!!! ************************************************************************* Feel free to invite your friends to the group!! The more people present the better the group should function!! Have fun!!
72K members296 new posts
Buy and Sell
Bay Area Garage Sale (BAGS)
This is a garage sale. Post your stuff up that you want to get rid of. The spirit of this group is not to make money off of the "stuff" that you no longer use. There is Craigslist or eBay for that purpose. It's more for finding a good home for the "stuff" that you no longer need or use but they are still in perfectly working condition. It is more about recycling and not filling up our landfills than making a lot of money. Although, if you want to make a little money, that is not a bad thing either but I don't think you will get that much of a response. There is not a big enough membership pool for that purpose. Like I said, Craigslist or eBay is probably better for that because you will get more "eyes" viewing your items. Nothing offensive or they (and you) will be deleted with no warning at admins discretion. Abusive members will also be deleted at admin's discretion. Thanks folks...get rid of your stuff and have fun....Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure. If the item is no longer available, please state that at the end of the thread so members know not to inquire anymore. NO POSTS FROM COMMERCIAL VENDORS OR SELLERS PLEASE. I am inundated with merchants selling their services/goods. This is a garage sale folks. It's not intended for commercial sellers or merchants. That would ruin the spirit of this group and I have received many complaints about this subject. I believe there is Craigslist or other Facebook groups for business sellers of of services or goods.
53K members352 new posts
Buy and Sell
Free & For Sale San Francisco
Buy & sell items or services in San Francisco & the greater Bay Area within our communities. As growth in this group is growing steadily, I plan to be more restrictive to geography. I love all the outside area interest, but please keep in mind the name of the group and allow yourself to meet the geographic constraints of our 7x7 tip of the Peninsula we find ourselves 'mostly' enjoying our lives in. I think it's OK to market a wide variety of items or even services here. I do listen to complaints by members about specific posts or posters, so be mindful about what you're posting, or most especially, how frequently. Everyone should have equal air time, which I'm of the belief that since we don't often see identical things for sale simultaneously, 1x a day for an item until sold or for a service, for a limited time only, is acceptable and remains effective. NO REAL ESTATE POSTINGS please. I won't accept advertisements for established businesses. However, if you truly feel you personally offer a service that can benefit San Franciscans and isn't just a ploy to attach marketing for something that includes a business's branding on it, and this is your personal touch, please talk to me first to see if our marketplace might be an appropriate fit for your service. Don't be a stranger and send me a message if you have any questions or concerns. And thanks to both buyers/sellers, and any other visitors lurking who make this community not only just a stop but a useful stop for those in and around San Francisco!
19K members129 new posts
FB Marketing Mastery
Who the group is for and what it's about: This group is for those looking to discover and share information on Advanced FB Marketing, Strategy & Tactics that generate real results for those who implement them. If you are looking to take your FB advertising 'game' to the next level, you're in the right place as some of the best FB Marketers in the world hang out in here. Who I Am: I (Nicholas Kusmich), Fanpage - Personal Profile - run one of the most "successful" FB Advertising Agencies / Consultancies in the world for high-growth companies. This group is where I spend most of my time helping people looking to get the best results possible with FB ads and online marketing. The Rules: 1. NO Promotions of any kind! (blog links, site links, etc) 2. NO JV/Webinar invitations/announces/requests/posts 3. NO "review my site/lander" requests (be specific w/questions) 4. NO Trash Talking! (No posts, Programs...nothing) 5. NO Asking for PM. PM them if you want to connect. 6. NO Pea-cocking! (keep your ego in check please) 7. NO Tagging Business Owners for Support! Just Be Cool! Note: FB changes a lot so it's important to stay on top of those changes regularly. As new things come up, we'll try to keep the group updated with the latest and greatest. Every once in a while, we'll be sharing information about our programs. If this is an issue for you, you'll probably want to leave the group now. The best way to get the most in-depth personal training from me is through my 2Day Intensive - It's not for everyone, but for the right person, it will catapult your business.
69K members2 new posts
Welcome to BeautyBook/BB Make sure to review our RULES and GUIDELINES! _____________________________ (PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE) We have this group set up to (approved posts) to avoid spams etc.. We do not approve posts right away so it may take some time before you see your post on the feed. ***LIVE VIDEOS NEED TO BE BEAUTY/FASHION/SKINCARE RELATED ONLY. ***NO SELLING IN BEAUTYBOOK! We do not want to be liable for spams or lost items. ***NO affiliated codes. 1. Watermarking your images is acceptable. However any posts and/or links pertaining self promoting Webpages, Business Advertising without BeautyBook's permission will be banned without notice. If you want to put up ads contact 2. Anyone or anything unfriendly such as comments, posts or spams will be deleted without notice. WE TAKE THIS VERY SERIOUSLY, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND NO LONGER ABLE TO JOIN THIS GROUP ONCE YOU ARE REPORTED DUE TO BREAKING ANY OF THE RULES. 3. We want to keep this group a friendly environment. We reserve the right to remove, banned or delete any posts, comments and/or links that are not in the letter or spirit of BeautyBook guidelines. _____________________________ Contact BB Advertisement/Business Inquiry Admin Choua Moderator LeeAnne Moderator Jennifer Garza Moderator Renee Moderator Nucee Moderator Ellie
315K members70 new posts
What is Dogspotting? 1. A sport and lifestyle of spotting random dogs. 2. Classifying the nature of the spot according to the rule set. 3. Assigning a score or sharing the spot for peer scoring. 4. A fun place to hang out with friends and enjoy dogs. PLEASE read the Pinned Thread for ALL of the rules before posting in the group! Complete Lists of Current Group Info & Rules: Rule Slides: (Fun, hisorical, classic Dogspotting Info; please use the link above for a current list of Rules and info- the link below shows past rules and other interesting info) #1 Rule, don’t post yer own dog or a dog that you know! If it's your own dog, a dog you have met before, or a dog you know exists, it is ineligible for submission as a spot! Visit our sister group, Dogspotting Society, where you CAN post your own dog and also many other types of things that are ineligible in this group: 🐾🐾🐾OTHER IMPORTANT LINKS 🐾🐾🐾 Dogspotting Peoples Court (Contact here to contest bans under the court of law) Dogspotting Media: Dogspotting Shop: Top Spots 2018: Dogspotting Instagram: Dogspotting Snapchat: @DogspottingOrg Dogspotting Twitter: HQ Website: DS TRIUMVIRATE Jeff Wallen - Director of Dog Organization - President Dogspotting LLC Molly Bloomfield - Director of Moderator and Member Operations Ruth Esther Wollman - Director of Human-Dog Relations - Pro Bone-o Legal Aid Jason L'Eane - Director of Dog Fungi DS SENATE (COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY) Ally Saltford Brooke Bates Carl Jenkins Carolann Fiore Carolyn Steinberg Cassie Close Debbie Nanni Fan Pan Haramber Brzez Hunter Workman Maika Greer Maura Smith Megan Lesko Michelle Dewing Oscar Jacob Rafael Parra Albasanz Raphael Fischer Saritha Riju Sergio Opmaco Shirley Lee Timotei Bruce Tobias Brockie Tricia Smith DS Advisors: John Savoia - Dog Guru and Visionary (current whereabouts unknown) Reid Paskiewicz - Director of Dog Operations - VP Dogspotting LLC Marty Kimmel - DogTech Director - Dogspotting CTO David Thorpe -Official Dogspotting Historian -Record Keeper, and Pro Gamer Josh Boruff -Bad man -Creator of the Orthodox scoring system ✴We are NOT a cult ✴ ✴The Dogs are the Life ✴ ✴The Dogs Must Flow ✴ Dogspotting® is a Trademarked Entity.
1.7M members331 new posts
Birding California
Welcome! Birding California is designed to allow new, as well as experienced birders to share sightings, pictures, videos, and thoughts and ideas, too! Though mostly photos are posted here we encourage group members to post anything related to WILD BIRDS IN CALIFORNIA. Field trips, conservation topics, interesting articles, trips reports, etc. are all permissible in the group. If you are a new member of the group PLEASE READ the guidelines on the pinned post on the main page of the group! Thanks! **POSTING RULES (please read these before making your first post to the group)** -When posting to the group, please include the NAME OF THE BIRD, LOCATION, and DATE with EACH PHOTO. If you do not know the ID of the bird, please state that you are asking for help. If it is a sensitive species that you don't want to give a specific location for (e.g., threatened species like Spotted Owl) just giving a very general location like "Humboldt County" is fine. - Need ID Help? If you can't figure out an ID, there are plenty of people here to help. Just include where and when the photo was taken and we'll do our best to help you work through the identification of the species. - Posts from California of FREE-FLYING WILD BIRDS (or rarities in neighboring states that California birders might want to attempt to see) ONLY. This means we don't want posts of domestic geese that live off a breadline in a local city park. OTHER GENERAL RULES TO FOLLOW (See the pinned post on the main page)
16K members109 new posts
The Art of Mark Making in Abstract Art
It is my hope that artists will share ABSTRACT original Fine artwork in a variety of media and applications in which the lines, marks, textures, patterns unique brush strokes, lettering etc.are key to the artwork and stand out as the prominent organizing element in the work or as an important critical feature. Mark making can be freely expressed and gestural or more controlled and deliberate in the work. Completed artwork should show how the marks and lines demonstrate the qualities of good design. Abstract Expressionist styles where paint is splashed, poured, dribbled, smeared etc. will need to also show clear evidence of marks, lines, strokes in an organized composition or in progress with this goal. This group focuses on Abstract and Non Objective artwork. Illustrations, decorative drawing and crafts, photography, digital, sculpture, ceramics are not the scope of this group. This is foremost a Mark Making Group with expectations of good design. Group facilitator(s) reserve the right to curate artwork shown in this group. Not all abstract work will fit into the group category of Abstract Mark Making. Artists are encouraged to share innovative Mark making techniques, tools, works in progress, completed works, product information, critique discussions, exhibits, shows, articles, videos that are important to abstract mark making. Posts that seem not to be relevant to the goals of the group may be deleted. To keep the site organized and tidy and not become an out of control bulletin board, some announcements may need to be removed. Images of artwork should be photographed well which means good lighting, clear and easy to see. Poor quality images may be deleted. Work should be shown close up and not altered in a room setting. Please post no more than 2 images in a day. You may link your artwork to your website , but this group is not to be used for selling, advertising, promotion of art or other businesses. Exceptions for classes and workshops directly related to mark making. Please invite new members who love mark Making in Abstract art. Check out our sister group The Art of Creating Abstract Art C. Dianne Zweig Group Creator and Administrator .
13K members78 new posts
Anime Expo Fans
*HIT SEE MORE TO READ AX FANS RULES.* ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: If you haven't done so already, please take the time to read the rules below. Welcome to Anime Expo! This is the unofficial Anime Expo group of facebook. This group is not sponsored by or affiliated with Anime Expo. This group is for everyone in or relating to Anime Expo. Share your experience, share your thoughts, share your suggestions and share your love for your fandom! Rules 1) In creating multiple threads, please limit yourself to one thread per hour, from the start of the time that first thread is posted. A max of three threads is allowed per day. 2) Promotions of other pages or sales (must include prices) are limited to one thread per week. Bump the thread if need to/ 3) Keep the topics in correlation to anything Anime Expo related and the fandoms involved, which includes: Anime, Video Games, Illustrations, Cosplay, Nerd Culture (to include memes), etc. 4) Do not name bash or call other members any derogatory names. 5) The following is not allowed, but not limited to: Nudity, Gore, Scalping, Mob Justice, Botting, Illegal Streaming Sites, Anything involving ruining AX’s reputation, etc. 6) If you have any issues, use the “stop notification”, the “block” feature, or the “report” button and contact any admin of your choosing. 7) Do not attempt to use outside pressure to force admins/mods into changing their stance on an action/position. Kicks and Bans will depend on the severity of the event. KTHXBAI.
18K members19 new posts
Faith and Spirituality
Philosophy & Wisdom - ( The Original & Authentic Forum )
The objective of this forum is to invite philosophically minded individuals to share knowledge of life and expound truth and wisdom. ( be aware of fake forums with the same name and logo). I like to extend my warm welcome to all members of this group. As you know we have just started this group new, hence there are lots of work in progress to make this group an enriching place for all to share, learn and experience. Please feel free to contribute your thoughts or share and quote philosophies and interesting conceptions and perceptions of your own or from respectable source. To make this place a conducive environment here are some basic but essential house rules to follow: 1) This is a philosophy group and not a religious group, hence no preaching of religion. 2) While robust discussion is encouraged, but personal attack and name calling are not allowed. 3) Avoid extreme profanity...the occasion "fuck and suck" are tolerated :) 4) Trolling is not permitted. Please see below for definition of trolling: 5) Memes without the company of one's thoughts and opinions will be deleted without warning. Pictures posted with terrible resolution will be deleted too. A troll is a member who: 1) start with rude or sarcastic remarks on OP(original post) without substantiating his reason for such vile remarks. 2) start debating unrelated to the topic of the Op. 3) instead of refuting the opponents or conversationists, a troll resorts to personal attacks with repeated names calling and insults of profanity. 4)when advised by the Op host and members of the group who bare witness to the event, the troll will not stop and might increase his intensity of mockery. This four basic points are the characteristics of a classical troll. The unique ones will be at the judgement of the admin. People, if you see a troll please report to us and make this discussion group conducive. Footnote: Please note that this is a discussion group and not a actual debate group. Debate arises out of necessity to defend an important point , but respect and moderation are observed at all time. Creator and Admin Master Trainer - Alvin Koh
232K members14 new posts
Faith and Spirituality
LIGHTWORKERS POSTING GUIDELINES The purpose of Lightworkers of the World is to accelerate the evolution of humanity by raising vibration of self and others. We are a group where members can read educational and uplifting material, participate in discussions, and give/receive support, love, advice and healing. We reserve the right to delete any posts that we feel are inappropriate for this group. PLAY NICE: We will not tolerate abusive or harassing comments. If you cannot present your ideas politely you may be removed from the group. Name-calling is NOT acceptable. LIVE FEEDS: Members may NOT post active live feeds in this group. PERSONAL POSTS: Lightworkers of the World is a community. You are welcome to post questions, ask for healing, support or advice, or simply introduce yourself to the group. Please note that posting of another person’s picture requires their permission. SELFIES: We believe that providing positive feedback can help boost the spirit of those who are struggling or seeking motivation. We also believe the best growth comes when the poster interacts with those giving feedback. Posts with a picture that only says ‘What do you see’ will be deleted’. If you truly want feedback, tell us a bit about yourself, your desires and your challenges first. From there we will be happy to respond. ADVERTISING: We are not here to be a target market. If a post asks for money or donations it will be deleted. We do not allow advertising of products or services. We will allow promotion of groups and pages related to Lightwork along with sharing of educational material. We anticipate that members who promote are also active participants in the community. SOLICITATION: We do not allow solicitation of clients. We will delete posts that offer healing or readings that require members to send private messages to proceed. PICKING POSTS: Posts that encourage people to ‘pick for a reading’, such as pick a tarot card, pick a crystal, etc. are limited to MONDAY ONLY. On Tuesday we will turn off comments for these posts so they gracefully fade away. OBVIOUS DELETIONS: Pornography, graphic violence, animal abuse and messages invoking hatred or anger do not belong on this page. POLITICAL POSTS: We will delete any posts that state a position either for or against a political candidate. We are non-political and take a neutral position. RELIGIOUS POSTS: Lightwork transcends. We do not accept posts that sell a religious viewpoint or imply others are deficient for following a different path. TIMEWASTERS: We will delete posts that provide no value while attracting comments, such as math puzzles, games, or posts that ask for ‘Yes’ or ‘Amen’ or other repetitive answers. CLICKBAIT POSTS: Even if the information is valid, we are not here to train people about health issues, proper diet, exercise routines or celebrity news. EVALUATION OF VALIDITY: We cannot attest to the value of any services of any members. Let the buyer beware.
363K members756 new posts
Faith and Spirituality
Soto Zen Buddhism
Soto Zen Buddhism is a school of Buddhism founded by Eihei Dogen and Keizan Jokin in 13th century Japan. Soto Zen practice emphasises continuous practice, making your best effort in each instant without goal or profit seeking, that practice and enlightenment are not two. The core of Soto Zen practice is zazen - shikantaza - just wholehearted sitting - dropping off body and mind - the practice of self-affirming/realising samadhi. This is a focused group for people who are practitioners of Soto Zen, or are interested in Soto Zen. Posts that are not obviously oriented towards Soto Zen Buddhism will probably be removed. If not immediately obvious, please be explicit about your post's link to Soto Zen. When posting, try to be open, topical and polite. This group has people with all different levels of experience, and needs to be a safe environment for a beginner's enquiry, as well as for more in depth discussion. Be kind. We ask that you not advertise in this group (this includes local events, links to your zen group's page, commercial and non-commercial); this is to avoid flooding the timeline and obscuring discussion, and recognises the global nature of the membership. This is not a group for discussions about 'general spirituality', nor is flaming, trolling, flooding, spamming, or any other anti-social web behaviour tolerated. Links to topical blog or web articles are welcome. If you think your post has been removed unfairly, please contact an admin - we will try to be as equitable as possible, but mistakes may happen. Moderators are here to keep order and ensure that everyone has a positive experience. In line with common Facebook courtesy, we ask that you not block Admins. These rules are a result of a group discussion where there was a clear preference for 'tightening things up'.
15K members11 new posts
Relationships and Identity
The Marriage Club
***THIS GROUP IS FOR THOSE WHO ARE MARRIED OR ENGAGED*** The Marriage Club was created to promote positive Traditional Marriages. To let society know, they do exist and to bring hope to the world. If you are in need of help, inbox us and we will assist you as we can. LETS LOVE! Oh, Feel free to post questions for a forum discussion. Always respect one another! This is a forum where we can share our thoughts ,our stories and opinions so let's agree to disagree. If there is arguing or negativity, you will be deleted and blocked. Marriage Group Etiquette. Please make sure your post are tasteful or the will be deleted and you will be blocked. NO NUDITY, not even in your memes, NO PROFANITY !! In effort to keep the integrity of the page. PLEASE do not add SINGLES. Although we love them, this is a Marriage group (engaged couples ARE welcome). If they need inspiration they are able to still view. If we see you adding you will be removed as well. This page is public. If you post a personal question, your Facebook friends could potentially see it. If you want to post a personal question, inbox one of the admins and ask them to post anonymously on your behalf. Also in an effort to keep the page safe place, please send a message to the marriage club before posting events or gathering and we can work together. Your events will be deleted, if done other wise. The Marriage Club will not be held liable for the outcome of any meetings that we did not expressly create/sponsor. Thanks for your participation. As a group The Marriage Club will help orchestrate events in your local areas. We are all about love, marriage and community. Please do not post any solicitation on the page without first asking permission from the admins. As a general rule, we do not advocate buying and selling through the Marriage Club. If you choose to purchase goods or services from someone that you do not know in real life, you do so at your own risk. The Marriage Club will not be held liable for the outcome of any transactions that you choose to conduct. Rules may be amended at any time at discretion of administrators Happy Posting The Founders Mauricio and Kris Sonny
830K members261 new posts
Hobbies and Interests
San Francisco Photography
Welcome to San Francisco Photography! A place for photographs of all sorts and all subjects from our favorite city and the Bay Area. We are a member of the History Alliance: Photographs of the following areas are appreciated: Sonoma County, Marin County, San Francisco, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Napa County, and Solano County. Group Guidelines: Yes, there are some to help insure that everyone enjoys your photographs. 1. Please avoid discussion of modern politics & religion. If a post is within the Group Guidelines but is not personally to your liking, please refrain from commenting and pass it by. 2. Please limit remarks to the subject, disparaging comments of other people's opinions are off-topic and maybe removed. 3. Please include a title and/or a short description and please give credit to the photographer if known or the source of the photograph. Photographers like that sort of thing! If it is your photograph, be sure to give yourself credit - you deserve it! 4. Please respect all copyrights and respect those that are copy-protected. 5. Please do not remove any watermarks. If including a watermark, make sure it is within 25% of the border. Overly watermarked images across the middle of an image may be removed. 6. Professional photographers are welcome to post with studio marks, but request that professionals are limited to three posts per day please. Feel free to promote your work relative to this group but off-topic portfolios may be removed. 7. Please avoid posting sexual suggestive photographs and non-photography related subject matter, commercially produced videos, articles, and links. 8. Please request Admin approval prior to posting promotional links to other sites, fundraisers, products, service, or events as they may be removed. 9. Please avoid models, pets, and people, as the focus should be San Francisco. 10. No threadjacking. Please comment on the post or start a new thread. Please enjoy and send us any suggestions. Nick Wright, Founder
20K members44 new posts
Hobbies and Interests
California Native Plant Society
Conserve California native plants and their natural habitats, and increase understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants. -------------------------------------------------- MISSION STATEMENT To conserve California native plants and their natural habitats, and increase understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants. VISION STATEMENT CNPS envisions a future where: • Californians actively support the Society's mission, which is accomplished through education, plant science, advocacy, land stewardship and native plant gardening. • Californians value native plants, plant communities and healthy ecosystems as essential to the well being of all living things. • Californians can experience native plants throughout the state, in natural environments and human-made landscapes. • California’s extensive and interconnected natural habitats are preserved. • CNPS is the leader for providing reliable information on California native plants and plant conservation. Comprehensive information about California’s flora and vegetation communities is available throughout the state for conservation and educational purposes. • CNPS’s leadership influences personal ethics and actions, as well as public policy for native plant protection. Originally formed in 1965 in the east bay region, the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is a statewide non-profit organization of amateurs and professionals with a common interest in California's native plants. The Society, working through its local chapters and statewide programs, seeks to increase understanding of California's native flora and to preserve this rich resource for future generations. Membership is open to everyone. Our members have diverse interests including natural history, botany, ecology, conservation, photography, drawing, hiking, plant uses, land use, horticulture and gardening, and a love of California’s natural landscapes.
39K members83 new posts
Vehicles and Commutes
Motorcycle Events Nationwide!
Post your motorcycle events here to help spread the word! Nothing but motorcycle events/event flyers or biker legislative matters are allowed to be posted so feel free to post and let the people know about your upcoming event! Please feel free to add other riders and clubs too. If any image is not visible by the Admin. it will be deleted as we cannot verify it is a motorcycle event. This is a NEUTRAL FORUM. If you or your club have a beef with another club's posting, deal with it elsewhere. Online altercations will not be tolerated and participants will be deleted and blocked. Please include addresses and locations for your events as this is a National Forum. Please limit postings to the North American Continent, however, international postings will not be deleted if they pertain to club members on the North American Continent. IF YOU CHOOSE TO NOT FOLLOW THE VERY SIMPLE RULES OF THIS GROUP YOU WILL BE REMOVED! Some have requested membership to this page and have been blocked by FACEBOOK ADMINISTRATORS because they belong to too many FB groups. If you are in the habit of being a “group whore” by getting on thousands of group pages without participation, you will get blocked by the FACEBOOK ADMINS. The Admins. of this page have no control over that. If you really want to be a participant of this forum, then lose some baggage and be very selective about joining any group. Ideally, members on this forum should be actively looking for or posting about motorcycle events only. Check your attitude at the door. Threatening another member or an Administrator of this page will get you deleted and blocked. Bear in mind that people who post here come from many varied walks of life and some are club members. That being said, posting threats may place yourself in grave danger. You really don’t know who knows who and to what length or breadth they will go to defend a brother or sister in the MC world. Post with respect and dignity at all times. This is an adult biker post site. Nudity is a given in the biker culture at large and for the most part, will be tolerated unless the picture is way too graphic for kids to be exposed to. Be tasteful with your run cards and your post won’t be taken down. Outright smut will be removed. Parents are expected to raise your little darlings in such a way that will not implicate this forum if they view this page. If you object your kids viewing this page/forum, KEEP THEM FROM THIS PAGE AS A RESPONSIBLE PARENT SHOULD. If your kids get an unwanted education from this page that is your problem, not ours.
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"The group is about people getting together and encouraging each other to say “yes” more"

Susie Howard Jones

The YesTribe

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"The group is my family"

Frances Rivera Piris

Esposas Militares Hispanas

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"The group gave us the opportunity to meet and help people"

Alexandre Ducourtieux

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