Philips :YES

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Philips :YES
TypePersonal computer
Release date1985
Operating systemDOS Plus, MS-DOS, Concurrent DOS
CPUIntel 80186 @ 8 MHz
Memory128 KiB to 640 KiB

The Philips :YES was a home computer/personal computer released by Philips Austria, in 1985.[1][2] It was not 100% compatible with the IBM PC, a reason given for its commercial failure. The system was sold in limited quantities only.

Technical specifications[edit]

  • Microprocessor: Intel 80186 @ 8 MHz
  • ROM: 192 KiB
  • RAM: 128 to 640 KiB
  • Keyboard: mechanical, with 93 keys
  • Operating system: DOS Plus (in 64 KiB ROM), MS-DOS, Concurrent DOS
  • Storage: two 3½-inch drives, 720 KiB each. One or two optional external 3½-inch or 5¼-inch drives.[3]
  • Video modes:[4]
    • A0: Text, 40 columns × 25 rows, 8 colours
    • A1: Text, 80 columns × 25 rows, 8 colours
    • A2: Text, 80 columns × 25 rows, 2 colours + intensity
    • G0: 160 × 252 pixels, 16 colours
    • G1: 640 × 252 pixels, 2 colours + intensity
    • G2: 320 × 252 pixels, 16 colours
    • G3: 640 × 252 pixels, 4 colours

The built-in graphics hardware supported composite video output. An additional video module allowed output to TTL monochrome monitors, colour monitors or SCART televisions.[5]

Video RAM was shared with system RAM. Before using graphics modes, memory had to be allocated for them with the GRAPHICS or GRCHAR commands.[6]

An expansion card (the Professional Expansion Board) provided:[7]

  • Extra RAM.
  • A SASI/SCSI hard drive interface.[8]
  • A mouse interface.
  • A battery-backed real time clock.

Operating system versions[edit]

Known operating systems adapted for the Philips :YES include:

  • DOS Plus 1.? in ROM (with BDOS 4.1). The BDOS in ROM does not implement the S_OSVER call, which would have returned the version number to display.
  • DOS Plus 1.1 on disk[9] (with BDOS 4.1)
  • DOS Plus 1.2 on disk (with BDOS 4.1)
  • DOS Plus 2.1 on disk (with BDOS 5.0)

See also[edit]


  1. ^,1170777
  2. ^
  3. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - User Guide. Philips. 1985. p. 7-1.
  4. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - Getting Started. Philips. 1985. p. C-1.
  5. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - Getting Started. Philips. 1985. pp. 1–15, 1–16, C-1.
  6. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - User Guide. Philips. 1985. p. 5-1.
  7. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - Getting Started. Philips. 1985. pp. 1–7.
  8. ^ :YES Philips Personal Computer - User Guide. Philips. 1985. p. 8-1.
  9. ^ :Yes product management (1985), README file for :YES Release 2 - DOS Plus 1.1 maintenance version (README.DOS file on maintenance disk), Philips Austria, This file contains additional information on the use of DOS Plus 1.1 on the :YES Rel 1 and :YES Rel 2.

External links[edit]