
This Website — Your Go-to Inspirational Source

I am the LWML President and yet I am continually amazed at the information and resources available with the click of a button on this website. I refer to every day. As I answer questions from the board of directors, LWML district presidents, members, and others interested in what this mission organization does and why, I find most of my responses right here on this website.

As we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19, we find ourselves turning to technology as we reach out — to encourage and find encouragement, to find the perfect resource or Scripture passage, and to stay in touch with our family and friends.

Let this website become your go-to source for inspiration. Visual faith and Bible journaling have become popular avenues of retaining what you study. LWML podcasts allow you to listen while you work or drive. Devotions and Bible studies are available on almost every topic. And if you don’t know where to find something, you can just ask and someone will point you in the right direction!

In His service, surrounded by His grace,




LWML Spring Resources

From Lent to Easter, along with general Spring-themed resources and Mother's Day … here are devotional resources and service ideas for you and your LWML group.

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LWML Resources