Gartner Research

Accelerating Digitalization in Manufacturing Industries Primer for 2018

Advances in AI, analytics, IoT and 3D printing are transforming the business of manufacturing industries.

Analysts: Bettina Tratz-Ryan, Michelle Duerst

This research will help CIOs in manufacturing industries apply digital technologies to expand IT- and data-enabled value chains throughout the digital business life cycles of their enterprises.

CIOs looking to boost manufacturing productivity and agility can use this initiative to:

  • Improve digital business alignment and transformation
  • Advance product life cycle management toward digital threads and digital twins
  • Provide the robust infrastructure that supports 3D printing’s (3DP’s) unique requirements
  • Scale product positioning for consumer goods
  • Increase business acceleration through Industrie 4.0 and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) frameworks
  • Explore innovation and disruption in the automotive industry

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