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Site Visit: August 2019

Published: April 2020

In August 2019, GiveWell staff traveled to Burkina Faso to visit Malaria Consortium's seasonal malaria chemoprevention program.

GiveWell met with Malaria Consortium staff and others to improve its understanding of how Malaria Consortium implements seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), as well as to discuss the funding landscape for SMC in countries where Malaria Consortium works, the organization’s monitoring processes, the organization's role in the broader landscape of SMC in these countries, and various other research questions.

Our five-day visit included:

  • Conversations with representatives of Malaria Consortium's global and regional teams.
  • Observations of SMC delivery in rural and urban districts.
  • Meetings with the National Malaria Control Program and with representatives from the President's Malaria Initiative and UNICEF.
  • Tour of national drug storage and distribution facility in Ouagadougou.

Photos from our visit are here, and our site visit notes are here.