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On Saturday 1st February and Sunday 2nd February 2020, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting FOSDEM 2020 will take place in Brussels, Belgium.

Naturally a Gentoo crowd will be there; this page will collect public information about our presence, and help with organizing stuff.

Users and Developers available at FOSDEM

Please add yourself alphabetically if you're not listed yet!


Nick Arrival Departure Signed up for stand time Will be at Beer Event (Fri) Will be at Dinner (Sat) Talk Comments
Amy Liffey (Amynka) Friday evening Monday morning Yes Yes Yes No
Andrey Utkin (Andrey.utkin) Wednesday Mid following week not yet Yes (is there one?) Yes. No Nickname: "andrey_utkin".
Andrew Savchenko (Bircoph) Friday evening Monday morning not yet Yes Yes+4 No May pick some friends, number is not yet known
James Le Cuirot (Chewi) Friday evening Sunday evening No Later (~21h) Yes No Employer has paid for trip so need to attend talks and not just hang around the Gentoo stall!
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (Chithanh) Saturday morning Sunday evening Yes No Yes No Bringing large white banner, button machine, stickers, leaflets, lanyards, T-Shirts, and mugs
Michael Haubenwallner (Haubi) Thursday noon Monday afternoon Yes Yes+2 Yes+2 No
Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (Klondike) Thursday evening Tuesday morning Not yet Unlikely Yes, +1 No
Marek Szuba (Marecki) Friday evening Sunday evening Yes to be seen Yes, +1 No
David Seifert (Soap) Friday evening Monday morning not yet Yes Yes No
Stefan Strogin (Steils) Friday morning Monday morning not yet Yes Yes No
Ulrich Müller (ulm) Friday noon Sunday evening Yes Yes Yes No
Thomas Deutschmann (Whissi) Friday noon Monday noon Yes Yes Yes No Takes responsibility for stand / organize dinner
Mikle Kolyada (Zlogene) Thursday morning Monday morning not yet Yes Yes No
Luca Barbato (lu_zero) Friday evening Monday morning not yet Yes No Yes
Jonathan Vasquez (fearedbliss) Friday Monday Yes Yes Yes No


Nick Arrival Departure Will be at Beer Event (Fri) Will be at Dinner (Sat) Talk Comments
George Diamantopoulos (gd) Friday Monday Probably around, but Delirium is too crowded for me Maybe? No
lanodan Friday Wednesday Hopefully! (is there one?) Maybe? No Will probably just say hello, employer paid for the trip and gentoo isn't alone
Thomas Jespersen (laumann) Friday evening Sunday afternoon Hopefully! Maybe? No


Friday Sunday Not sure Yes No Perhaps ofer a lift from WW ...
orionbelt Brussels Resident Brussels Resident Probably not Yes No Local luser, let me know if I can help with something!
Khaosgrille Friday Tuesday Maybe Yes No Would also help out at the stand if needed
the_pope Friday morning Tuesday I'd like to. Do they have non-alcoholic beer? Would love to! No I come bearing suggestions for Gentoo!
Iescriva Friday Sunday Unlikely Yes No
Max Magorsch (arzano) Saturday morning Sunday morning No Yes No
ferki Friday late Sunday late Yes Maybe No
YOU Early Late Yes Yes No Bringing good mood and finished quizzes

Gentoo stand

Gentoo will have a stand at K (level 1, group A) # 3 fosdem stands

The following is an hour-by-hour schedule of who is running the stand. The plan is to have always two devs present, with overlapping two-hour slots (i.e., 10h-12h, 12h-14h, ... and 9h-11h, 11h-13h, 13h-15h, ...) (At start and end there are shorter slots, but these obviously also involve build-up and teardown.)

Saturday Sunday
Hours Developer 1 Developer 2 Developer 1 Developer 2
0900 Thomas Deutschmann (Whissi) Marek Szuba (Marecki) Jonathan Vasquez (fearedbliss) Ulrich Müller (ulm)
1000 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (chithanh) Michael Haubenwallner (haubi)
1100 Body Tag Body of Evidence
1200 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (chithanh) Body, lack of
1300 Body Shop Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (chithanh)
1400 Jonathan Vasquez (fearedbliss) Amy Liffey (Amynka)
1500 Ulrich Müller (ulm) Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (chithanh)
1600 Amy Liffey (Amynka) Somebody
1700 Michael Haubenwallner (haubi) Thomas Deutschmann (Whissi)

Gentoo dinner


Those who are already in Brussels on Friday evening and want to eat together before the beer fest meet at 19:00 (7pm) at Grand Place.


We'll meet (as every year) for the traditional Gentoo dinner on saturday evening.

Place: Chez Léon, rue des Bouchers 18, 1000 Brussels (in centre) Hour 20:00 (8pm)

Places: TBA Price: 32,25€ (menu B3/C2/E4, see page 7 of PDF brochure).

PDF Brochure (EN)

Gentoo OpenPGP Web of Trust

Gentoo will not host a key signing party this year, but participants are encouraged to exchange and verify OpenPGP key data to build the Gentoo Web of Trust. Please bring printed information of the key fingerprint and various UIDs you want certified along with a valid governmental ID matching the UID. You can use a service like to generate such a key slip.

A graph of the curent WoT and keyblock statistics