Eli Pariser and Talia Stroud, Co-Directors
Hosted by the National Conference on Citizenship and the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas, Austin

Technology companies are built around metrics: for growth, for attention, for revenue, even though those metrics have often driven negative consequences for human rights and democracy.

Hosted by the National Conference on Citizenship and the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas, Austin, Civic Signals is co-led by professor Talia and internet activist Eli Pariser to develop a better model for public spaces online and work alongside social media companies to build back some of the value that’s been lost overtime. The hope is that tech workers — specifically, product managers, engineers, and founders — can take cues from the practice of designing real-life spaces by building toward a common good. 

You can watch Eli’s TED Talk and follow the conversation on social media by following @civic_signals@TaliaStroud, and @EliPariser.

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