Data Privacy Compliance

Beyond GDPR - ensure effective data privacy protection

Ensure your data privacy is compliant in a fast-changing business environment

Maintaining ongoing compliance of data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) remains a challenge for organizations. 

Gartner legal and IT experts have collaborated to develop a handy tool that uses natural language to facilitate self-assessment for GDPR compliance.

Use this tool to evaluate your compliance with GDPR and to help your organization minimize compliance risk.

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Access our GDPR Audit Checklist to benchmark your data privacy compliance.

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    Working with Gartner has mitigated our risk significantly because of the amount of liability we would face if we had a data privacy breach. Any violation of data privacy laws can cause significant reputational harm to a business. So assisting us with internal procedures, and making sure we can apply those procedures and change operations to ensure that our clients’ data is protected, have had a huge impact.

    Herrin Hopper

    Director of Legal Affairs and Compliance, Clements Worldwide

    Evolving privacy law challenges legal executives

    With the passage of strict data breach notification laws and other global privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA in key markets worldwide, privacy issues are increasingly manifesting as legal and regulatory questions rather than information security issues. To effectively manage compliance risk, successful legal and compliance leaders use a cohesive and comprehensive approach to data privacy compliance.

    Adapting to a Volatile Regulatory Environment: 58% rank keeping pace with a changing regulatory landscape as their top priority, but only 37% of organizations have an information governance framework that can adapt to changing regulations.
    Identifying metrics to measure privacy program effectiveness: 42% seek more effective metrics for privacy program measurement, but 75% lack the confidence to effectively report on program outcomes.

    Achieving a data privacy compliance framework

    To manage regulatory compliance risks and mitigate the threat of data breaches, successful DPOs and legal leaders create cross-departmental alliances and efficient workflows. Our insights, advice and tools equip you with the data and templates to build an effective data privacy compliance strategy.

    Identifying metrics to measure privacy program effectiveness: 42% seek more effective metrics for privacy program measurement, but 75% lack the confidence to effectively report on program outcomes.

    Insights You Can Use

    Gartner’s research provides crucial data on privacy trends and data privacy compliance best practices with templates and tools to help you build a solid foundation of thorough information governance and effective risk response strategies.

    Ensure Privacy by Design to improve data protection

    Gartner experts often encounter the misconception that responsibility for privacy management falls solely to security and risk management leaders. Legal and compliance leaders can help their organizations minimize risk and maximize trust by ensuring the application of Privacy by Design principles.

    Focus on the data privacy areas that matter most

    Privacy leaders are searching for ways to improve their department, but competing priorities leave them wondering where to focus attention, time and money. Use our key activities map to build the right plan for your function and the wider organization.

    Implement information governance that’s fit for business

    Information governance has never been more critical to business success, yet only 37% of organizations have a framework that can adapt to changing regulations. Ensure your approach is fit for business with these three steps.

    Build a strong and effective privacy communication plan

    Employees are the biggest source of privacy risk. Educate and empower employees to recognize and minimize these risks with a privacy communication plan. Use this step-by-step guide to build a structured and strategic plan. 

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    Client Success Story

    Getting ahead of privacy risk

    Herrin Hopper, Director of Legal Affairs and Compliance at Clements Worldwide, describes how Gartner helped her department prepare for GDPR. 

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