Welcome to AMS Blogs

Beyond Reviews: Inside MathSciNet

This blog serves to highlight some of the features of MathSciNet. Posts highlight particularly informative reviews and discuss tips and tricks for navigating MathSciNet, all with the goal of being helpful to users both old and new. Edited by Edward Dunne, Head of Mathematical Reviews®/MathSciNet Division.

Blog on Math Blogs

Mathematicians tour the mathematical blogosphere. Editors Rachel Crowell and Vanessa Rivera Quiñones blog on blogs — those connected with media and independent — on topics related to mathematics research, applied mathematics, mathematicians, math in the news, mathematics education, math and the arts and more.

A Mathematical Word

A forum to discuss mathematics books. Open ended topics will be introduced every few weeks, with the aim of inviting comments and possibly postings from readers.

Capital Currents

Keeping the mathematics community up-to-date on activities of the AMS Washington Office and issues of interest. Washington Office Director Karen Saxe’s posts include information on activities in Congress that affect the mathematics and the broader science community and opportunities for engaging with Congress and other policy-makers.

e-Mentoring Network

Connecting students and mentors. Editors Ricardo Cortez, Dagan Karp, and Pamela E. Harris, with contributors Erika Camacho, Edray Goins, Herbert A. Medina, and Talithia Williams, engage students and mentors–to ask questions, provide feedback, answer questions, and share links on meetings, networking and research opportunities, articles, non-academic career information, and other helpful resources.

Graduate Student Blog

A blog for and by math grad students. Caleb Gilchrist McWhorter is Editor-in-Chief. Contributions, comments, and other involvement are welcome.


A blog about underrepresented groups in mathematics. Edited by Brian P. Katz with regular contributing editors Nathan Alexander, Piper H, Luis Leyva, Tian An Wong, Adriana Salerno. The main goal of this blog is to discuss issues pertaining to marginalized and underrepresented groups in mathematics. Topics may include conferences targeted at underrepresented groups, inclusive teaching strategies, summaries of current educational research, features about inspiring and successful underrepresented mathematicians, and advice for students, faculty, and researchers at all levels.

Living Proof

Living Proof is the blog born out of the book, Living Proof, Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey. Co-editors Allison Henrich and Matthew Pons want to continue sharing our stories. We need to hear new voices and hear about different types of struggles. We need to hear more people talking about the same struggles so that people who are just now beginning to live through these experiences know that they are not alone. Our ultimate hope is that someday–perhaps years from now–someone tells the story of how what got them through their biggest challenge on their own path to becoming a mathematician was reading the stories of so many others in Living Proof.

Math Mamas

We are mathematicians. We are mothers. Edited by Emille Davie LawrenceRachelle DeCoste, and Amanda Ruiz, this blog is about how these two identities intersect (and sometimes collide) each and every day. While colored by individuality, the common thread is that both paths are demanding yet rewarding. The aim is to challenge the traditional ideas of success in mathematics by sharing how we have defined success for ourselves both personally and professionally. By sharing these stories, we can empower others to pursue their life choices unapologetically while building a community of math mamas. Contributions, comments and questions from parents and non-parents are encouraged and welcomed.

On Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Practical “teaching tips,” commentary on current mathematics education research, discussions of social/curricular educational policy, and more. Edited by Mark Saul, with regular contributing editors Ben Blum-Smith, Al Cuoco, E. Paul Goldenberg, Steven Klee, Yvonne Lai, and Amanda Serenevy. The goal for this blog is to stimulate reflection and dialogue by providing mathematicians with high-quality commentary and resources regarding teaching and learning.

PhD + epsilon

Early-career mathematicians blog about their experiences and challenges. Sara Malec, Hood College, Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Villanova University, and Kate Thompson, United States Naval Academy, write about their experiences and challenges as early-career mathematicians. All mathematicians are encouraged to join the community of followers and post comments.

Joint Mathematics Meetings Blog

This blog is about the scientific program sessions, events, and other aspects of the annual Joint Mathematics Meeting of the AMS and MAA. RSS Feed

Retired Blogs

On the market

A job search blog for the mathematical sciences community. Edited by Sue Geller, a professor of mathematics at Texas A&M University.

Visual Insight

Striking images that help explain advanced topics in mathematics. Edited by John Baez, a professor of mathematics at U.C. Riverside.

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