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Marilynne Brown recommends IBM.

BEST place I've ever worked. I thoroughly enjoyed many positions throughout my 33-year career (1975-2008).
IBM promoted a strong sense of community and respect for the individual.
They encouraged growth opportunities and employee development from within, along with tuition reimbursement to further college credits and degrees. In the first 20+ years of employment, 100% of all health insurance was covered.
They had an unlimited sick day policy (though after two days out, if ...questionable, could request a doctor's note). Still, annual reports showed employee 'sick time' was 20% less than comparative companies that had employees 'accrue' hours to bank their personal and vacation time by the hour. If not used, they lost all but 10% of that time since they weren't allowed to roll it over to the next year (or had some variation of that scenario). Employees viewed that as entitlement as they had the time coming to them. That motivated sick-time to individuals who normally would not have called in ill.
Annual assessments based on results achieved resulted in merit increases, bonuses, promotions (which took into consideration time off if abused the benefit, taking into account each individual's set of circumstances, # of days and incidents). IBM has excellent benefits all-around.
IBM was a leader in the industry before their time providing professional skills development and education for employee advancement. As well, they were leaders in developing and promoting Equal Opportunity Programs. They ensured they hired the best candidates while maintaining hires for women and minorities. Their college recruitment was aggressive, obtaining the best candidates with offering a handsome salary with benefits package.
Excellent supported work environment and camaraderie among coworkers.
It was a great experience for me where I made many lifetime friends who, even in retirement, have continued to have that strong bond of friendship.
While I cannot comment on today's changing environment, I'm sure it's a different experience from those wonderful years I have enjoyed looking forward to going to work each day to feel I contributed to the bottomline, learned a great deal as part of being a team and felt productive.
Miss those days ...

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Jane Lockett recommends IBM.

Working with wisdom, intelligence and methods to provide the best customer service ever!

Pavan Yadav reviewed IBM5 star

My Boss and My life My CEO MDM GinniRomety ji... She can Give More Development Sources.. She can protects Our Future lifes... She can saves Humanity in D World... Thankful to you My CEO MDM GinniRomety ji...

Lou Foss recommends IBM.

Awesome company. Worked here for over 35 years. Allowed me to grow as a technical professional with no boundaries.

Titus Carnathan reviewed IBM1 star

Since you own weather underground now, You'll get an ear full too.

I've been giving you free weather data from my weather station, supplying you information. Now you don't want to give out free api keys to those people that give you FREE data. Maybe I'll just stop feeding you FREE weather station data.