
Best of Our Work intro (edit in view header).

Open Philanthropy is interested in when AI systems will be able to perform various tasks that humans can perform (“AI timelines”). To inform our thinking, I investigated what evidence the human brain provides about the computational power sufficient to match its capabilities. I consulted with more than 30 experts, and considered four methods of generating estimates, focusing on... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
In arriving at our funding priorities---including criminal justice reform, farm animal welfare, pandemic preparedness, health-related science, and artificial intelligence safety---Open Philanthropy has pondered profound questions. How much should we care about people who will live far in the future? Or about chickens today? What events could extinguish civilization? Could artificial intelligence... Read More
