Harborlight Community Partners — YIMBYtown 2018 Conference

Organization Name 
Award Date 
Grant Amount 
To support the 2018 national "Yes In My Back Yard" conference.
Topic (focus area) 

Grant investigator: Alexander Berger

This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. YIMBYtown organizers also reviewed this page prior to publication.

The Open Philanthropy Project recommended a grant of $40,000 to Harborlight Community Partners to support the 2018 national “Yes In My Back Yard” conference, which will take place in Boston, Massachusetts, in September. We previously supported the first two national YIMBY conferences to bring those housing advocates together in 2016 in Boulder, Colorado, and in 2017 in Oakland, California.

This is a discretionary grant, and falls within our focus area of land use reform.