New Virginia Majority Education Fund — Criminal Justice Reform (June 2019)

Award Date 
Grant Amount 
To support work on criminal justice reform.
Topic (focus area) 

Grant investigator: Chloe Cockburn

This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. Virginia New Majority Education Fund staff also reviewed this page prior to publication.

The Open Philanthropy Project recommended a grant of $200,000 to New Virginia Majority to support work on criminal justice reform. New Virginia Majority, a base-building organization working on securing rights restoration for the formerly incarcerated, intends to use these funds to support issue organizing, including hiring organizers, doing communications, and leveraging infrastructure to educate and mobilize their base.

This grant was made by a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, to which we occasionally make funding recommendations.

This follows our October 2018 support, and falls within our focus area of criminal justice reform.