The independent
think tank and
expert advisor on
alternative proteins in Australia & New Zealand.

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Image: Impossible Foods

We believe plant-based meat and cultivated meat can help overcome major environmental and public health threats in the Asia Pacific. We help leaders across Australia & New Zealand champion this opportunity.


Our research and lectures equip industry with the tools to capitalise on the surging demand for alternative proteins.


Our expertise and advice enable forward-thinking governments to attract innovation and new jobs to their region.


Our events and introductions connect entrepreneurs and investors with opportunities to champion game-changing food creations.

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Discover the latest plant-based consumer and industry insights for Australia & New Zealand

I believe that in 30 years or so ... meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same and also be much healthier for everyone.

Richard Branson
August 2017

If we can grow the meat without the animal, why wouldn't we?

Tom Hayes
Tyson Foods Inc
August 2017

Why rely on animals to convert plants into meat? Going directly to plants is more efficient, safer and will become cheaper. That’s what we’re doing.

Shama Lee
CEO, Sunfed Meats

The future is about a plant-based diet, even for the meat-eaters.

Jamie Oliver
February 2015