Economic Relief
Job Loss
Equal Pay Day
Medicare for All
Taxes and Spending
Worker Power
Top Charts

COVID-19—commonly known as the coronavirus—is rippling through the U.S. economy and impacting workers. To provide policymakers and the public with guidance on steps we can take to mitigate widespread economic shock, the Economic Policy Institute put together this toolkit with research-based analysis to cut through the noise. Read more

A “phase four” coronavirus recovery and relief package must be passed quickly and must be sufficient in scope and magnitude to address the severity of the economic and public health crisis we are experiencing. Read more

In the last five weeks, the number of workers applying for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits has skyrocketed to well over 20 times what it was in the pre-coronavirus period, and over five times the worst five-week stretch of the Great Recession. Read more

EPI’s Julia Wolfe talks about the plight of home health aides, house cleaners, and other domestic workers.
Watch the video
| Read the report

More Workers in the Spotlight:

An essential component of any “phase four” coronavirus relief and recovery package must be additional investments to protect our right to vote. Lawmakers must act now to establish safe, alternative voting methods—like vote-by-mail and online voting—especially before November’s general election. Read more

We have never seen such immediate and sweeping changes at so many workplaces in modern history. Union workers are demanding and winning health and safety protections in the workplace. Read more

March 31 marks Women’s Equal Pay Day. Women still make less than men, including in sectors especially affected by the coronavirus. Read more

Fundamental health reform like “Medicare for All” would be a hugely ambitious policy undertaking with profound effects on the economy and the economic security of households in America. But despite oft-repeated claims of large-scale job losses, a national program that would guarantee health insurance for every American would not profoundly affect the total number of jobs in the U.S. economy. Read the report • Watch the video

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Rising wage inequality and slow and uneven hourly wage growth for the vast majority of workers have been defining features of the U.S. labor market for the last four decades, despite steady productivity growth. Read the State of Working America Wages 2019

EPI’s new U.S. Tax & Spending Explorer is an interactive web feature designed to shed light on how the government raises and spends money—and how it affects household income up and down the income distribution. See where you fit in

Change is happening in workplaces all across America. Working people are joining together and organizing, mobilizing, and striking for fairness and justice—and they are winning. Read about the Building Worker Power project

EPI’s Top Charts of 2019 highlight the economic policy priorities that must be addressed in 2020. See the charts

EPI in the news

  • The New York Times | April 24, 2020
  • HR Dive | April 24, 2020
  • The New York Times | April 24, 2020
  • Newsweek | April 24, 2020
  • Politico | April 24, 2020
  • Common Dreams | April 24, 2020
  • Boston College | April 24, 2020

More EPI in the news