We Need Your Help to Ban Wet Markets


Animal Equality’s vision is a world in which all animals are respected and protected.

Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.

Our work

Animal Equality works strategically in four distinct areas to ensure progress for animals.

Animal Equality by the Numbers

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reach on Facebook in 2019

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media stories
generated last year


I believe it's our right to know what is really happening behind closed doors. And now, thanks to Animal Equality's investigations, we have the power to see, understand, and take action.

Kat Von D

Artist and entrepreneur


April 3, 2020

Vita’s Story: From a Dog Slaughterhouse to a Loving Home

Investigators recount the moment they rescued Vita from the dog meat trade. Her story will move you to tears.

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April 2, 2020

Animal Equality Launches Global Campaign To Ban Wet Markets

Citing public health and safety, Animal Equality has launched a worldwide campaign…

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March 12, 2020

Appeal Challenges Arkansas’ Unconstitutional ‘Ag-Gag’ Law

Arkansas' anti-whistleblower law hides abuse from the public, but we're working to put and end to it!

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April 3, 2020

The Top Three Reasons to Stop Eating Fish

Fishing Hurts! You'll never want to eat seafood again after reading this.

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March 25, 2020

Animal Transport in Europe Continues Despite Welfare and COVID-19 Concerns

Animals being transported to slaughter have been forced to languish in tucks all day while waiting to cross borders in Europe.

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March 12, 2020

Coronavirus Update from Animal Equality

We're taking steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees around the world while we continue our work to end the suffering of farmed animals.

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Upcoming Event

VegFest LA (cancelled)

May 3, 2020

VegFest LA

*THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED* VegFest Los Angeles is a magnificent day filled with food, fun, and inspiration. The combination of a delicious vegan international food court, great live music,…

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end animal cruelty

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Photo: Sarah Fisher