Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is a registered charitable organisation in Ethiopia dedicated to the treatment and prevention of childbirth injuries called obstetric fistulas. Drs Catherine and Reg Hamlin founded this organisation in 1974 after being confronted with the tragic situation of Ethiopian women suffering from obstetric fistulas.

Patient at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital

“These women have suffered more than any woman should be called upon to endure. To meet only one is to be profoundly moved and calls forth the utmost compassion that the human heart is capable of feeling.”

Dr Catherine Hamlin AC

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia oversees:

  • Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital- the worlds first fistula hospital,
  • Five regional hospitals providing health care to rural women,
  • Hamlin College of Midwives,
  • Desta Mender – Rehabilitation training center for long-term patients.

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is a world-class centre of excellence for treating obstetric fistulas and training doctors to specialise in this surgery. Rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, counselling and skills training are available to assist patients regain their self-esteem, find meaningful employment and reintegrate to village life.

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is dedicated to the eradication of obstetric fistulas through its preventative strategy of providing trained midwives in the rural regions of the country.

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia relies on the generosity of donors to continue its work in treating and preventing obstetric fistulas, ensuring Ethiopian women have holistic and compassionate healthcare.

Over 500 Ethiopians are employed across Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia.

About Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia

About Us

We are dedicated to the eradication of obstetric fistulas for all women in Ethiopia, realising the dream of Drs Reg and Catherine Hamlin.

Our Patients

Our Patients

Mourning the stillbirth of their only child, rejected by their community, incontinent of urine, and ashamed of their offensiveness, they exist without hope.

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital

Visit Us

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital is a working hospital. If you wish to visit, please go to the booking form on the website.