
What's New
Translator wanted !!! (click here)

New in 1.4.2:
  • Compatibility with Firefox 17.x
New in 1.4.1:
  • Compatibility with Firefox 10.x
  • Compatibility with Thunderbird 7.x
  • Compatibility with SeaMonkey 2.x
New in 1.3.0:
  • Compatibility with Firefox 3.6
  • Compatibility with Thunderbird 3.0
  • Compatibility with SeaMonkey 2.0
  • Add support for Twitter
New in 1.2.2:
  • Compatibility with Firefox 3.5
  • Bug fix with Javascript injection vulnerability issue
New in 1.2.0:
  • Compatibility with Firefox 3.5
  • Bug fix with Javascript injection vulnerability issue
  • Bug Fix 21105 Blank screen appear when you click on the updated feed
  • Bug Fix 21076 The open infotip window disappears when rotating RSS feeds
  • New translation for sr-RS
  • Updated translation for sl-SI
New in 1.1.5:
  • Bug Fix 20085 Unable to save changes when auto sync is enabled
  • Compatibility with Firefox 3.1
New in 1.1.4:
  • Updated translation in Slovak
  • Updated translation in Polish
  • Updated translation in DutchL
  • Updated translation in Korean
  • Updated translation in Chinese (Traditional)
  • Updated translation in French
  • Updated translation in Russian
  • Bug fix and compatibility with Firefox 3.0
  • Better integration with RSS auto detection and RSS firefox management
New in 1.1.3:
  • Updated translation in Korean
  • New Basque translation thanks to Andoni Sagarna
  • New Hebrew translation (he-IL) thanks to Uri Hartmann
  • Bug Fix with search with Technorati and Ask
  • Bug Fix and compatibility with Firefox 3.0
  • Better integration with RSS auto detection and RSS firefox management
New in 1.1.2:
  • Updated translation in different languages
  • New Romanian translation thanks to PCFan
  • Bug Fix 15760 Open all articles from this newsgroup error
  • Bug Fix 15650 no mouse weel outside the statusbar
  • Bug Fix 15648 Removes the arrow on open tabs dropdown menu firefox v2.0
  • Bug Fix 15649 Last icons in Basic - Headlines area - Icons hidden
  • Bug Fix and compatibility with Firefox 3.0
New in 1.1.1:
  • Updated translation in different languages
  • New Greek translation thanks to Sonickydon
  • New Ukrainian translation thanks to Golyj
To Do
  • better positioning in the status bar
  • Foreign version

The infoRSS project

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Download InfoRSS 1.4.1, the Firefox rss reader extension

infoRSS is a lightweight, non intrusive, Twitter, RSS, ATOM, NNTP and HTML headlines reader for Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and thunderbird, designed by Didier Ernotte. The extension installs a small icon (looks like an earth) in the status bar. The headlines are displayed in the beside this icon in the status bar or in a separate bar (top or bottom of the screen). The interface is very simple to use: drag and drop new url of feed onto the extension icon to add a new feed or click on the extension icon to select a specific feed to read. The feeds can be grouped to allow multi feed fetch and filter can be used to limit the number of headlines.

Translation I'm looking for translator in your language. It's very easy to do, just see here

InfoRSS is already localized in English (en-US), Swedish (sv-SE), German (de-DE), French (fr-FR), Italian (it-IT), Albanian (sq-AL), Brazilian/portuguese (pt-BR), Dutch (nl-NL), Spanish (es-ES), Japanese (ja-JP), Bulgarian (bg-BG), Danish (da-DK), Traditional Chinese (zh-TW), Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), Czech Republic (cs-CZ), Polish (pl-PL), Russian (ru-RU), Slovenian (sl-SL), finnish (fi-FI), Hungarian (hg-HG), Serbian (sr-YU), Slovak (sk-SK), Korea (ko-KR), Turkish (tr-TR), Greek (el-GR), Ukrainian (uk-UA)

Compatibility This version has been tested with Firefox 2.0, Firefox 3.5, mozilla suite 1.7.x, Thunderbird 2.0 on Mac OS X and WinXP (No issue reported by Linux users)

If you find any bug, please fill in a bug form here

How To add a feed The different ways to add a feed:
  • Drag and drop a text that contains the url of the feed onto the main icon (small globe)
  • Drag and drop an hyperlink (text or image) that refers to a feed
  • Paste an url in the clipboard, and open the main menu to select the "add" action
  • Add a feed from the bookmark by selecting the "add" action in the main menu
  • Use the contextual menu on an hyperlink to add it
  • Create a feed "by hand" in the option dialog, click on "new feed" (feed/group tab)
  • Click on the little orange radar icon at the bottom of the screen and select "Add to InfoRSS" (old version of Firefox)
  • Click on the little orange radar icon in the url bar, then click on the "Add to Inforss" button in the next dialog

How To delete a feed The different ways to delete a feed:
  • Drag and drop the feed in the main menu onto the trash bin icon in the menu
  • Manually delete it in the option dialog, feed/group tab

How To read an article The different ways to read an article:
  • Use the "begin of article" option to read in as a tooltip on the headline
  • Use the "full article" option to read the full article as a tooltip on the headline
  • Click on the headline to read the full article in a new tab or a new window
  • Open the menu, then, drag and drop the feed onto the main window of the browser

How To change setting of a feed The different ways to change the setting:
  • Click on the main icon (globe), then right click (on Win - Linux) or ctrl click (on Mac) on the feed
  • Right click (on Win - Linux) or Ctrl click (on Mac) on the main icon (globe), then open the feed/group tab, and select the feed in the drop down list
  • Right click (on Win - Linux) or Ctrl click (on Mac) in the FF toolbar, and select the option "customize...", then, drag and drop the inforss icon (globe) in the toolbar, then click on the globe in the tooltbar to open the option dialog. Then open the feed/group tab
Features The different features of this extension are
  • RSS feed including RSS Gmail notifier (with
  • ATOM feed
  • NNTP feed
  • Twitter
  • HTML feed (in fact any text document on internet: RDF, txt, HTML...). Extraction with regular expression
  • Support for SSL feed (HTTPS)
  • Customized refresh time per feed
  • Automatic or manual refresh
  • Customized number of headlines to display per feed
  • Customized number of character to display per feed (status bar is a limited area...)
  • Customized favicon per feed or group
  • Customized filter per feed : filter on title, subject, headline number, published date, received date, ...
  • Enable/Disable filter
  • Group of feeds
  • Customized filter per group : filter for the group or combination with feed's filter and group
  • Full associated HTML article in a simple clic on the headline
  • Customized style sheet for headlines : font family, font size, background color, foreground color
  • Display headlines in the status bar or in a separate bar (top or bottom)
  • Manual resize of the status bar area
  • Automatic size adjustment with the window width
  • Skip headline
  • Automatic scrolling feeds in the headline area
  • Manual scrolling feeds in the headline area with scroll mouse
  • Manual scrolling by pixel or by headline
  • Right to left or left to right scrolling direction
  • Customized scrolling speed
  • Fade in/out headlines
  • All headlines in the main menu as a submenu
  • Automatic cycling between feed or group or within feed of a group
  • Skip empty feed in cycling mode
  • Popup when new headlines are published
  • Customized icon bar beside the headline bar
  • Mark all headlines as read
  • View all headlines at once
  • Flashing icon when refreshing
  • Read article in tooltip, a new tab or a new window
  • Tooltip on headline to see the full title, begin of article, all info or full article without opening a new tab
  • Tooltip in HTML mode for rich description
  • Tooltip that supports multimedia in ENCLOSURE tag : images are displayed beside the description, and audio and video files are played (podcasting, try feed with the firefox embedded multimedia plugin
  • Size and type of the enclosure in the tooltip on the enclosure icon
  • Tooltip on main icon to display the number of hedline / unread headline
  • Option to play/mute podcast
  • Display icon near headline in case of enclosure tag
  • Persistence of viewed and banned headline even after the session
  • Remote synchronization with FTP or WebDav server
  • OPML import and export from a local file or a distant ressource (on internet)
  • Export the repository in the bookmark hierarchy
  • Display the repository on screen
  • Display the RSS file in the browser by dragging the feed in the menu on the browser
  • Detect RSS feed in the current page and add an item in the menu
  • Contextual menu in Firefox to add a feed in the extension repository
  • Add any URL in the clipboard to the menu to simply add it to the repository
  • Detete a feed in the menu with drag and drop on the trash bin
  • Add a feed in a group with drag and drop on the group icon in the menu
  • Link to the main web page in one click
  • Customized FF add feed menu (orange radar icon) to add feed in infoRSS
  • Global activity switch
  • Activity switch at the feed/group level
  • Collapse headline bar if no headline
  • Thumbnail image of the main URL in the option dialog
  • Quick filter icon to filter in one click all displayed headlines
  • Auto or manual decoding in the HTML feed

The documentation of this extension is available in the screenshots, live demo on how to use RSS with this extension and FAQ on this Firefox RSS extension sections.

Note: If you want to add an area for user feedback to any of your pages, take a look at the notes.html template.

The inforss project can be contacted through the mailing list or the member list.
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