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This is a guide to the LaTeX typesetting system. It is intended as a useful resource for everybody, from new users who wish to learn, to old hands who need a quick reference.

TeX and LaTeX

TeX is a typesetting computer program created by Donald Knuth, originally for his magnum opus, The Art of Computer Programming. It takes a "plain" text file and converts it into a high-quality document for printing or on-screen viewing. LaTeX is a macro system built on top of TeX that aims to simplify its use and automate many common formatting tasks. It is the de-facto standard for academic journals and books, and provides some of the best typography free software has to offer.

This book is organized into different parts:

  • Getting Started will provide you with the very first steps to print your first document, from installing the needed software to basic concepts and syntax.
  • Common Elements discusses common features you would expect from a document processor, including fonts, layout, colors, lists, and figures.
  • Mechanics are some topics that are not really necessary to write a basic document, but could help you understand how some parts of the system work. These topics are required for fine-tuning documents. Use them as support for various chapters, as they are often being referred to.
  • Technical Texts focuses on different specialized matters, mostly for scientific work.
  • Special Pages is for the structured pages usually put in appendices.
  • Special Documents: this part tackles other kind of documents different from the classic article style.
  • Creating Graphics is for the process of writing graphics from a LaTeX document.
  • Programming or how to create your own macros and packages.
  • Miscellaneous contains everything that does not fit in the previous parts, like project management and other subjects related to LaTeX but not inherent to LaTeX itself.
  • Help and Recommendations : the FAQ encompasses very common pitfalls and important recommendations for everyone, we urge you to read it; the Tips and Tricks are much more specific matters.
  • Appendices.


LaTeX cover.svg
If you have questions related to LaTeX, ask at the Q&A.

Edit the TOC or the stages

  1. Getting Started
    1. Introduction 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    2. Installation 100% developed  as of Sep 4, 200
    3. Installing Extra Packages 100% developed  as of Aug 24, 2007
    4. Basics 100% developed  as of Aug 24, 2007
    5. How to get help 100% developed  as of Nov 09, 2015
  2. Common Elements
    1. Document Structure 100% developed  as of Aug 24, 2007
    2. Text Formatting 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    3. Paragraph Formatting 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    4. Colors 100% developed  as of Sep 7, 2008
    5. Fonts 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    6. List Structures 100% developed  as of March 13, 2011
    7. Special Characters 100% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    8. Internationalization 100% developed  as of Oct 21, 2010
    9. Rotations 100% developed  as of Dec 20, 2012
    10. Tables 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    11. Title creation 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    12. Page Layout 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    13. Customizing Page Headers and Footers‎ 50% developed  as of Mar 7, 2020
    14. Importing Graphics 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    15. Floats, Figures and Captions 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    16. Footnotes and Margin Notes 100% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    17. Hyperlinks 100% developed  as of Sep 7, 2008
    18. Labels and Cross-referencing 100% developed  as of Oct 9, 2006
    19. Initials 100% developed  as of Jun 25, 2018
  3. Mechanics
    1. Errors and Warnings 75% developed  as of Aug 24, 2007
    2. Lengths 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    3. Counters 100% developed  as of Dec 20, 2012
    4. Boxes 100% developed  as of Dec 20, 2012
    5. Rules and Struts 100% developed  as of Dec 20, 2012
  4. Technical Texts
    1. Mathematics 100% developed  as of Oct 13, 2006
    2. Advanced Mathematics 75% developed  as of Jun 29, 2010
    3. Theorems 75% developed  as of Oct 9, 2006
    4. Chemical Graphics 75% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    5. Algorithms 75% developed  as of Dec 3, 2007
    6. Source Code Listings 100% developed  as of Dec 20, 2012
    7. Linguistics 75% developed  as of Sep 8, 2011
  5. Special Pages
    1. Indexing 75% developed  as of Aug 24, 2007
    2. Glossary 75% developed  as of Jun 7, 2010
    3. Bibliography Management 75% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    4. More Bibliographies 25% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
  6. Special Documents
    1. Scientific Reports (Bachelor Report, Master Thesis, Dissertation) 25% developed  as of Aug 28, 2016
    2. Letters 75% developed  as of Apr 24, 2007
    3. Presentations 75% developed  as of Sep 7, 2008
    4. Teacher's Corner 50% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    5. Curriculum Vitae 50% developed  as of Nov 21, 2012
  7. Creating Graphics
    1. Introducing Procedural Graphics 100% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    2. MetaPost 0% developed  as of Jan 5, 2013
    3. Picture 50% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    4. PGF/TikZ 25% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    5. PSTricks 50% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    6. Xy-pic 25% developed  as of Jul 3, 2007
    7. Creating 3D graphics 0% developed
  8. Programming
    1. Macros 100% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    2. Plain TeX 100% developed  as of Jan 13, 2013
    3. Creating Packages 100% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    4. Creating Package Documentation 0% developed  as of Apr 9, 2018
    5. Themes 75% developed  as of Jan 13, 2013
  9. Miscellaneous
    1. Modular Documents 100% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    2. Collaborative Writing of LaTeX Documents 75% developed  as of Aug 29, 2007
    3. Export To Other Formats 100% developed  as of Jan 19, 2007
  10. Help and Recommendations
    1. FAQ 100% developed  as of Dec 21, 2012
    2. Tips and Tricks 75% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
  11. Appendices
    1. Authors 0% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    2. Links 0% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006
    3. Package Reference 0% developed  as of Apr 24, 2012
    4. Sample LaTeX documents 0% developed  as of July 31, 2007
    5. Index 0% developed  as of Sep 7, 2008
    6. Command Glossary 0% developed  as of Oct 3, 2006

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