CISO for Digital Business

The chief information security officer enables business leaders to make the right decisions

CISO must develop risk-based strategies to prompt business agility

The transformation to digital business adds complexity to the security ecosystem of an organization. To support the objectives of the CIO, security and risk management leaders need to develop processes that allow risk decisions while protecting the business.

95% of CIOs expect cybersecurity threats to get worse.
By proactively assessing risk appetite and the value of the desired business outcome, CIOs and chief information security officers (CISOs) can transform digital risk management into a competitive advantage.

John A. Wheeler

Senior Director Analyst, Gartner Research & Advisory

Insights you can use

Managing security and risk in today’s business environment is a huge challenge. We provide SRM leaders like you with the indispensable insights, advice and tools needed to achieve your mission-critical priorities and secure your organization now and in the future.

Adopt modern security perspective

Transformation into digital business has created unprecedented new risks for organizations. CISOs need to adopt flexible security approaches that avoid current limitations.

Transform security into a business function

Watch the video discussion of four leading Gartner experts sharing evolving risks and what you can do to transform security and risk into a business function.

Enable business growth

Security and risk need to be a fundamental part of everything an organization does. Adopt strategies that meet the continuous demand and opportunities of digital business.

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New to your role?

As the digital landscape evolves, the role of a CISO is becoming more challenging and the expectation of the business is increasing. It is critical for new CISOs to approach their role with a plan to help them set a strong foundation for the future.

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Gartner is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 15,000 enterprises in 100+ countries.

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