Evidence synthesis tools for Campbell authors

Review production tools

Web-based effect size calculator



Campbell has adopted Archie (software developed by Cochrane) as our information management system, where published and draft versions of Campbell publications are stored, along with contact details of our contributors.

For your first review, you will receive an email titled 'Archie Registration', with instructions on how to set up an account. Please activate your account within two weeks, otherwise it will expire and you will need to ask us to initiate the process again. Your Managing Editor will create user accounts for your co-authors. Having an Archie user account will enable you to access your draft review and work on it in Review Manager (see below).

Archie can be accessed at https://archie.cochrane.org/.

Review Manager

Unless you are "campbellizing" an existing systematic review, you and your co-authors must use RevMan to complete and submit your Campbell review. However, you may use other software for meta-analysis and statistical analysis (RevMan supports import of tables and figures).

The latest version can be downloaded from http://community.Cochrane.org/tools/review-production-tools/revman-5/revman-5-download. When you install RevMan, you will be asked to enter your Archie username and password. A tutorial and user guide are available from the RevMan Help menu.

Tools for screening, data extraction and analysis

The tools below are helpful in facilitating screening and data extraction (Covidence) and managing data for evidence maps (EPPI-Reviewer). Campbell can provide you with an account for Covidence or EPPI-Reviewer. Please contact your Managing Editor.



Additional tools

Systematic Review Toolbox:

If you have suggestions for other tools to include on this page, please let us know: info@campbellcollaboration.org.

Contact us

  • P.O. Box 222 Skøyen
    0213 Oslo
  • +47 2107 8100
  • info@campbellcollaboration.org