The Robert Boruch Award

The Robert Boruch Award for Distinctive Contributions to Research that Informs Public Policy is named in honour of Robert F. (Bob) Boruch. Dr Boruch is among the earliest and most vocal proponents for the increased use of randomised experiments to inform public policy decision-making, particularly in education. He spent most of his career on the faculties of the Graduate School of Education and the Statistics Department in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Eligibility criteria

  1. We will consider individuals who have made an important contribution to research on social interventions that inform public policy in criminal justice, education, social welfare or other areas within the ambit of the Campbell Collaboration.
  2. The award may be given for
    • research that provides rigorous evidence to inform public policy,
    • contributions to methods for producing evidence that informs public policy, or
    • work that advances the use of rigorous evidence to inform public policy
  3. The award may be given for a single exceptional paper, a body of work, or for lifetime contributions.


Nominations for the 2020 Boruch Award should be sent to by 30 April 2020. Please include a letter of nomination (no more than two pages) and the nominee's CV. 

The nominations committee is comprised of members of the Campbell Technical Advisory Group. The final decision rests with the Campbell Board following a recommendation by the committee.

Previous laureates

Contact us

  • P.O. Box 222 Skøyen
    0213 Oslo
  • +47 2107 8100