Campbell Global Pooled Fund for Children at risk of abuse and neglect

Children at risk and vulnerable children are children who may be subject to violence or sexual exploitation, who are, or may become, street connected children (runaways), and those living in disadvantaged circumstances where they are at risk of physical and mental deprivation. Such children are more likely to develop emotional and behavioural difficulties, display violent behaviour and perform poorly in school. In later life, they are more likely to engage in criminal behaviour and substance abuse, and have poor labour market outcomes. To see a list of Campbell reviews on this topic click here.

Protecting these children, keeping them from harm, and ensuring that they have a healthy and productive future are major policy challenges. Practitioners face difficult choices about whether to keep children at risk in the home environment. And, if so, what support can the family be given to protect the child? If not, where should the child be placed? How should these practices vary according to ethic background, socio-economic status and so on?

Currently, the evidence base for effective interventions for children at risk and vulnerable children is mostly weak, scattered and poorly translated to be usable by practitioners. This Global Pooled Fund supports a global repository of evidence synthesis of rigorous evidence of what works, for whom and under what circumstances, supported by knowledge translation activities to make the research available to policy makers and practitioners.

Fund supporters

To inform funding decisions under the Global Fund, the Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI) and Regional Centre for Mental Health of Children and Young People (RBUP) are undertaking an evidence map to help inform research priorities in this area.

Support this Global Pooled Fund

Campbell is looking for funding partners to join the Global Pooled Fund. Read our information sheet to find out more or contact Campbell CEO Howard White to discuss how your organisation can get involved.

Contact us

  • P.O. Box 222 Skøyen
    0213 Oslo
  • +47 2107 8100