

Books by Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board members



Brave New World? A defense of paradise-engineering by David Pearce – 2007
Getting Ready for the Coming Bio-Economy: An Advance Survey with Ten Practical Tips by Scott Borg – 2000
Human Body Version 2.0 by Ray Kurzweil – 2003
Lifeboat Foundation Virgin Atlantic Report by Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board – 2005
Neurotechnology and Society (2010–2060) by Zack Lynch – 2004
The Ultimate Right to Life Debate: Synthetic biologists know the meaning of life, but do they know the meaning of synthetic biology? by Alan H. Goldstein – 2006
Utopian Surgery: Early Arguments Against Anesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry, and Childbirth by David Pearce – 2006
Want to Live Forever? by David Brin – 2002
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Time for the synthetic biology community to acknowledge three responsibilities by Roger Brent – 2006

Book Excerpts/Reviews

A Beginner’s Guide to Immortality by Clifford A. Pickover – 2007
The Age of Virtuous Machines by J. Storrs “Josh” Hall – 2007
It Takes a Giant Cosmos to Create Life and Mind by James Gardner – 2007
Kinds of Minds by J. Storrs “Josh” Hall – 2007
The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth: Chapter Eight by William E. Burrows – 2006
Technology’s Promise: a Book Review by José Luis Cordeiro – 2009


It Takes a Giant Cosmos to Create Life and Mind by James Gardner – 2007

Existential Risks

The Case for Survival Colonies: Soliciting Colonists by Willard Wells – 2013
Classifying Extinction Risks by Michael Anissimov – 2007
The End of the World and Architecture (PDF) by Michael A. Richards – 2010
On the Principles of Economics & Evolution: A Survival Guide for the Inhabitants of Small Islands, Including the Inhabitants of the Small Island of Earth (5 MB PDF) by Matt Funk – 2010. The 88 MB PDF digital supplement for this report is also online.
The Principles of Economics & Evolution II: In Search of Evolutionarily Stable Banking, Finance, & Alternative Investment Strategy (14.5 MB PDF) by Matt Funk – 2010 Condensed version.
The Principles of Economics & Evolution III: In Search of Evolutionarily Stable Central Banking & Alternative Investment Strategies (0.4 MB PDF) by Matt Funk – 2010
Risking Human Extinction by John Leslie – 1999
SHOUTING AT THE COSMOS…Or How SETI has Taken a Worrisome Turn Into Dangerous Territory by David Brin – 2006
Warning Signs for Tomorrow by Anders Sandberg – 2006
Welcome to the Age of Weapons Containment by George Dvorsky – 2006


10 Futuristic Materials by Michael Anissimov – 2008
Big Chronology of Life on Earth by José Luis Cordeiro – 2019
23 Things Science Can Tell Us about Life, the Universe, and Everything by Daniel D. Brown – 2008
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Manipulating Dreams by Michael Anissimov – 2008
Immortalist Utilitarianism by Michael Anissimov – 2004
Law of Accelerating Returns by Ray Kurzweil – 2001
Must-know terms for the 21st Century Intellectual by George Dvorsky – 2007
The Principles of Extropy: A Quarter Century Later by José Luis Cordeiro – 2013
Singularities and Nightmares: Extremes of Optimism and Pessimism About the Human Future by David Brin – 2006
Sir Arthur C. Clarke in 3001: Don’t Panic! by José Luis Cordeiro – 2008
The Strategic Brain by Natasha Vita-More – 2005
Technological Evolution by José Luis Cordeiro – 2006
Top Ten Cybernetic Upgrades Everyone Will Want by Michael Anissimov – 2007
Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies by Michael Anissimov – 2007
Warning Signs for Tomorrow by Anders Sandberg – 2006
What are the Benefits of Mind Uploading? by Michael Anissimov – 2009


Minding the Planet: The Meaning and Future of the Semantic Web by Nova Spivack – 2006
Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming by Nova Spivack – 2007


Considering Military and Ethical Implications of Nanofactory Level Nanotechnology by Brian Wang – 2006
Corporate Cornucopia: Examining the Special Implications of Commercial MNT Development by Michael Vassar – 2006
First-Stage Nanoproducts and Nanoweaponry by Michael Anissimov – 2006
Flexible Automated Manufacturing by Michael Vassar – 2004
I, Nanobot by Alan H. Goldstein – 2006
Molecular Manufacturing: Too Dangerous to Allow? by Robert A. Freitas Jr. – 2006
The (Needed) New Economics of Abundance by Steve Burgess – 2006
Some Limits to Global Ecophagy by Biovorous Nanoreplicators, with Public Policy Recommendations by Robert A. Freitas Jr. – 2000


Crash Test Cities: Protecting Against Nuclear Blasts and Other Disasters by Wil McCarthy – 2005


The Age of Virtuous Machines by J. Storrs “Josh” Hall – 2007
AI and Sci-Fi: My, Oh, My! by Robert J. Sawyer – 2002
AI Meets the Metaverse: Teachable AI Agents Living in Virtual Worlds by Ben Goertzel – 2007
Can a machine be conscious? How? by Stevan Harnad – 2003
Jurisprudence of Artilects: Blueprint for a Synthetic Citizen by Frank W. Sudia, JD – 2004
Kinds of Minds by J. Storrs “Josh” Hall – 2007
What are the Benefits of Mind Uploading? by Michael Anissimov – 2009

Space Settlement

Achieving Human Commitment to Space Colonization: Is Fear the Answer? by Sylvia Engdahl – 2006
Apollo 11 50th Anniversary by Martin Rees – 2019
Dipping a Toe into the Sea of Space: Are we Columbus or Erikson? by Gregory Benford – 2005
Space: A Moral Vacuum? by Jeff Krukin – 2005
The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth: Chapter Eight by William E. Burrows – 2006
Why the Moon? Human survival! by Robert Shapiro – 2007


The “Energularity” by José Luis Cordeiro – 2011
Energy 2020: A Vision of the Future — A report retrieved from the year 2020 via a wormhole. by José Luis Cordeiro – 2006
Screw Sustainability: The Age of the Tornado Tamers Busting the Bubble of Spaceship Earth by Howard Bloom – 2005