Protecting sight and fighting for disability rights

a group of children have water poured on their hands

75% of sight loss can be cured or prevented

Learn how you can help
A woman has her eyes checked by an eye health worker in an outdoor screening camp in India.

Latest news: Sightsavers is named most cost-effective health charity

Charity evaluator ImpactMatters has given Sightsavers a five-star rating for its cost-effectiveness and the impact it has on people’s lives.

Read the story
boy is sitting on rocks and holding his hand to his eye in discomfort

This Spring, give a gift and help a child like Taonga see clearly again.

Help us change lives

What we do

  • We treat and prevent eye conditions such as cataracts, trachoma and refractive error.
  • We help to fight five debilitating diseases that affect more than a billion people around the world.
  • We campaign for disability rights so people with disabilities can participate equally in society.

Read more about Sightsavers to see how we are transforming lives around the world.

Trachoma group screening

We work in more than 30 countries worldwide

Where we work

Learn about our life-changing work