Chief Supply Chain Officer

Supply chain leaders can transform their function, management and process

Foster innovation and profitability in a disruptive environment

Business models change rapidly, requiring flexible and responsive supply chains. Many supply chain organizations can’t see the disruptions coming because information is fractured and disconnected. As a chief supply chain officer (CSCO), how do you cope with the pressure to foster innovation while delivering profitable business results? 

Supply chain needs to align with business strategy: 49% of digital supply chain leaders define their capabilities based on executive direction related to business strategy.
Gartner has great models we are using to upgrade our whole end-to-end supply chain. The DDVN model and the KPI pyramid help us bringing focus in the strategy and improving operational performance.
VP, Supply Chain, Global Consumer Goods Manufacturer

Insights you can use

Whether you’re trying to innovate your supply chain operations, enable a deep transformation or expand on your current digital initiatives, Gartner helps you determine how and where to concentrate your efforts, from technology to leadership, and deliver sustainable commercial success.

How to Implement Successful Change Initiatives in Your Supply Chain

From new product development to servicing new customers, change is one of the few constants in supply chain. Research from Gartner’s 2019 CEO and Senior Executives Survey supports this, with 87% of survey respondents identifying that they expect some form of change to their business model by 2021.

Scenario Planning Can Shield Your Global Supply Chain Network From Changes to U.S. Trade Policy

CSCOs around the world must determine how to respond to potential shifts in U.S. trade policy. This research helps CSCOs, responsible for network strategy for the Americas, to evaluate contingency scenarios while continuing with business as usual.

A CSCO Action Guide to Staying Agile in the Turns

While some focus only on short-term mitigation tactions, top performers defy conventional thinking by maintaining focus on long-term strategy and implementing preconcieved plans when anticipated disruptions occur. Chief supply chain officers must prepare and lead through all manners of turns.

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New to the supply chain role?

As digital business reshapes the supply chain function, modernization and transformation become operating imperatives. As CSCO, it’s your turn now to drive value across your business and help drive your organization’s corporate strategies.

Gartner Supply Chain Planning Summit

The premier destination for supply chain planning leaders

Companies must advance their supply chain planning capabilities or risk falling behind. Yet supply chain planning remains an underutilized resource. Now is the time for supply chain planning leaders to elevate the visibility of the function and demonstrate value to the overall business. Gartner Supply Chain Planning Summit 2020 is designed to be an immersive conference for supply chain planning professionals looking to advance their maturity and improve capabilities. You’ll have access to brand-new Gartner supply chain planning research and hear real-world examples from leading organizations having a positive impact on the bottom line.

Every time I come to a Gartner conference I am inspired to not only make my company better, but to make the world better as well.

Executive Director

Global Supply Chain Services, Manufacturing

Gartner’s experts are trusted advisors for 2,500+ supply chain leaders and executives

Gartner helps organizations grow and maintain ownership of strategic initiatives. Make the right decisions with trusted insights and objective advice.