1884 Democratic National Convention

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1884 Democratic National Convention
1884 presidential election
StephenGroverCleveland.png Thomas Andrews Hendricks.jpg
Cleveland and Hendricks
Date(s)July 8–11, 1884
CityChicago, Illinois
VenueExposition Building
Presidential nomineeGrover Cleveland of New York
Vice Presidential nomineeThomas A. Hendricks of Indiana
‹ 1880  ·  1888 ›

In 1884, the Democrats gathered in Chicago for their National Convention. The Democrats made Governor Grover Cleveland of New York their presidential nominee with the former Governor Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana as the vice presidential nominee.[1]


The leading candidate for the presidential nomination was New York Governor Grover Cleveland. Cleveland's reputation for good government made him a national figure. The Republican Party nominated James G. Blaine for president in 1884, although he had been implicated in a financial scandal. Many influential Republicans were outraged, thought the time had come for a national reform administration and withdrew from the convention. These Republicans are called mugwumps, and declared that they would vote for the Democratic candidate based on his integrity.

Presidential nomination[edit]


Diagram of Convention Hall, Chicago, site of the 1884 Democratic National Convention.

Seven names were placed in nomination: Grover Cleveland, Thomas F. Bayard, Allen G. Thurman, Samuel J. Randall, Joseph E. McDonald, John G. Carlisle, and George Hoadly.

Thomas A. Hendricks professed that he was not a candidate for the presidential nomination. When a delegate from Illinois cast the only vote he received on the first ballot, Hendricks rose to ask this vote be withdrawn because it "wrongly" placed him before the convention. Nonetheless, Hendricks made an impressive showing on the second ballot but it was not enough to prevent the nomination of Cleveland.[citation needed]

Presidential Ballot
Ballot 1st 2nd Before Shifts 2nd After Shifts
Grover Cleveland 392 475 683
Thomas F. Bayard 170 151.5 81.5
Thomas A. Hendricks 1 123.5 45.5
Allen G. Thurman 88 60 4
Samuel J. Randall 78 5 4
Joseph E. McDonald 56 2 2
John G. Carlisle 27 0 0
Roswell P. Flower 4 0 0
George Hoadly 3 0 0
Samuel J. Tilden 1 2 0
Abstaining 0 1 0

Source: US President - D Convention. Our Campaigns. (August 26, 2009).

Vice Presidential nomination[edit]

Hendricks, who was the 1876 Democratic vice presidential nominee, was offered the 1884 nomination and accepted.

Vice Presidential candidate[edit]

Withdrawn candidates[edit]

A crazy quilt in support of the Democratic ticket from the collection of the American Folk Art Museum, featuring the Democratic Rooster (precursor of the Donkey) at center and photos of Cleveland and Hendricks below.

Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana was overwhelming nominated as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate after the names of John C. Black, George W. Glick, Joseph E. McDonald, and William Rosecrans were withdrawn from consideration.

Vice Presidential Ballot
Thomas A. Hendricks 816
Abstaining 4

Source: US Vice President - D Convention. Our Campaigns. (August 26, 2009).

See also[edit]


Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Preceded by
Cincinnati, Ohio
Democratic National Conventions Succeeded by
St. Louis, Missouri