Farm Animal Welfare Newsletter Archive

Our farm animal welfare team distributes an occasional newsletter highlighting key issues in the farm animal welfare movement that influence their thinking and grantmaking decisions. The full archive of past newsletters is below; you can sign up here to receive the newsletter when it comes out.

Note: The newsletter is not thoroughly vetted by Open Philanthropy leadership and does not necessarily represent consensus views of the Open Philanthropy as a whole.

2020 Archive

How to Lower the Price of Plant-Based Meat
The US Meat Supply Crisis
COVID-19 and Farm Animals
Documentaries for Farm Animals

2019 Archive

10 Years of Progress for Farm Animals
Why Is Meat So Cheap?
What Can We Learn From the Fur-Free Fight?
Will Companies Make Good on Cage-Free Pledges?
Animal Agriculture and Climate Change
Impact Investing for Farm Animals
Gender Equity in the Farmed Animal Movement

2018 Archive

How Can You Do the Most Good for Animals?
The 2018 Elections and Farm Animals
The War on Animal Product Alternatives
How Much Should We Focus on Slaughter?
US Legislative Update: The King Amendment
What’s Our Strategy to Help Farm Animals?

2017 Archive

Why, What, and Where to Give to Help Farm Animals
We’re Going Beyond Coal. Could We Go Beyond Factory Farming?
How Can We Reduce Demand for Meat?
Why Did the EU Lead the World on Farm Animal Welfare and How Can It Lead Again?
Can We Knock Out Factory Farming’s Supports?
Fish: The Forgotten Farm Animal
Why This Could Be the Year of the Broiler Chicken
How Can We Improve Farm Animal Welfare in India?
How Can We Achieve Breakthrough Change For Farm Animals?
How Can We Improve US Policy for Farm Animals?

2016 Archive

How Can We Improve Farm Animal Welfare in China?