NPR Goats & Soda인증된 계정


NPR's global health and development blog. Sign up for our weekly newsletter:

Washington, D.C.
가입일: 2012년 7월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    10시간 전

    A single mom who lost her job. A powerful health official. A rap impresario in Wuhan. A teenage ice skater. Our special "Women in the Pandemic" project looks at how the women of the world are facing the coronavirus crisis.

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  2. 6시간 전
  3. 6시간 전
  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    From a wedding in Cairo to expecting in Amman to practicing medicine in Reykjavik. And so much more. 's lovely portraits of resilient women around the globe.

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전
  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    7시간 전

    These women's stories from around the world are a balm for the soul. Shoutout to my fab peeps for making this project happen.

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    8시간 전

    Looking for a weekend read? NPR’s incredible photographed & interviewed 19 women across the globe about how the pandemic has changed their lives. Immersive, moving reporting.

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    7시간 전
  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    Life is hard for everyone during a pandemic. But in a global crisis, women often carry extra burdens. From a single mom who lost her job to Iceland's top health official, meet 19 women who're drawing upon their inner strength to survive — and even thrive:

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    For I wrote about how writer has been spending the pandemic. She's been swimming a lot. Dancing to the Sailor Moon soundtrack. Reading a lot of women authors. And writing poetry pushing back against Asian stereotypes.

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  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    That old adage about women being the stronger sex holds truth. Check out these 19 resilent and resourceful women from around the world, holding onto hope in the midst of the pandemic:

  12. 9시간 전

    The special report ends with some words of survival from the poet Lucille Clifton, from her poem, "won't you celebrate with me." come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.

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  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전
  14. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    "I don't panic as much as my co-workers," says Sheeba Shafaq, who trained as a doctor in Afghanistan and fled to the U.S. after the Taliban threatened her life. "It just gives you the mindset that, 'I can get through this. There are no bombs that are going to drop on me.' "

  15. 9시간 전

    Now it's YOUR turn. Is there a woman in your community who has overcome great challenges? Or is helping others with their challenges? Send an email to w/ your nomination, w/ "Women's Stories" in the subject line. We may feature them in a future story on NPR.

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  16. 9시간 전

    This is Nienke Pastoor from the Netherlands. During the pandemic she's had to figure out how to milk the cows and help her kids with their virtual schoolwork. "Everyone expected me to successfully juggle everything," she said.

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  17. 9시간 전

    This is Deng Ge, founder of the rap label Bad Commune in Wuhan, China. At the start of the pandemic, she started a volunteer group called the Angel Squad, donating masks to hospitals. Now, she's excited to co-host rap concerts again.

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  18. 9시간 전

    This is Sawsan al-Ramemi from Amman, Jordan. She has two kids and another one on the way. "2020 is full of surprises," she said, laughing. "I wish that I hadn't gotten pregnant during these times."

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  19. 9시간 전

    This is Geraldine Roman, the first openly transgender person to be elected to the Philippine Congress. She has a program that encourages people who have lost their jobs in the pandemic to grow vegetable gardens. Photo by

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  20. 9시간 전

    This is Dina el-Harazy from Cairo, Egypt, photographed by . She is a COVID-19 survivor and had to reschedule her wedding three times due to coronavirus restrictions. "If there is love, you can get through anything," she said.

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  21. 9시간 전

    This is K. Hamill. She is an Australian expat living in Hong Kong. A few weeks ago, she had to undergo surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and wanted nothing more than to return to Melbourne and see her family -- but could not due to travel restrictions.

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