NPR Goats & SodaEgiaztatu kontua


NPR's global health and development blog. Sign up for our weekly newsletter:

Washington, D.C.
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  1. Finkatutako Txioa
    urr. 16

    Despite the new stresses, women are drawing upon their inner strength to survive — and even thrive. "Women are responding in the ways that they often do: with an incredible display of resilience." Here are the stories of 19 women around the world:

  2. A scientist looked at all Emirates flights from Dubai to Hong Kong Jun 16-Jul 5. What he found is quite telling. Emirates had five flights w/ seven or more infected passengers on each flight -- and yet, nobody else on the planes picked up the virus.

  3. urr. 20
  4. urr. 20

    This month the FDA granted formal approval to an antibody cocktail from Regeneron that's been shown to reduce dramatically an Ebola patient's chances of dying. It "should give us hope of what we can achieve together in COVID," says Mike Ryan of the WHO.

  5. urr. 20
  6. urr. 19
  7. urr. 19
  8. urr. 19

    These COVID-19 reader questions might seem strange, but our experts do their best to answer: Does holding your breath around an unmasked person work? Can periodically opening windows circulate air? If I spray my mask w/ oil, will it catch viral particles?

  9. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 16

    I don't know why but I often randomly think of this article every time I sit. Thank you for making me conscious of my imaginary tail,

  10. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 16
  11. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 18
    erabiltzaileri erantzuten erabiltzaileari eta erabiltzaileri erantzuten

    3/ and I wrote a piece on this back in December after finishing up where I had more time to reflect on how problematic our current global health enterprise is

  12. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 18

    One of the most interesting parts of working on has been as a contributor helping with their weekly FAQs for the last several months. Some of the questions might seem strange or “obvious”, but I appreciate every one of them.

    Erakutsi haria
  13. urr. 17
  14. urr. 16
  15. urr. 16
  16. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 16

    Needed this on a gloomy Friday! Beautiful stories about working to improve mental and physical health in their communities during pandemic.

  17. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 16

    I love these - not your standard -reported but just as important heroines.

  18. urr. 16

    Need a little inspo for how to help others in the pandemic? Here are 7 ideas from women across the🌎who are making a difference, such as 🌻Grow a garden for extra $ 🍹Set up "bartender hours" to listen to friends 😃Motivate w/ words of affirmation

  19. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 15

    Today marks one year of . I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU. To the guests, listeners, , our families, and most of all to the fantastic Short Wave team. We did it y'all!

    Erakutsi haria
  20. (e)k Bertxiotua
    urr. 16

    These moms have added work responsibilities and more caregiving duties while kids are learning at home. Some have diminished social networks as people stay apart to reduce COVID19 transmission.


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