Are You Ready to Win in the Digital Age? Find Out How to Lead Your Business to the Digital Core

Digital business doesn’t just disrupt markets — it disrupts tried-and-true management behaviors as well. In this pioneering era, successful leaders are those who can master the key macro forces that drive digitalization, and then lead their organizations to success.

About the book

A framework for remastering your leadership

In “Digital to the Core,” the authors describe the three primary disruptive forces of the digital era:

  • Resolution revolution. Allows us to accurately measure and precisely control things and events
  • Compound uncertainty. Requires that leaders assess the tipping points of technology, culture and regulation
  • Boundary blurring. Occurs when the digital and physical worlds merge and alters industries as we know them

You must lead your organization at three distinct levels:

  • Remap your industry. How must your world view change, and what fundamental industry paradigms must you rethink?
  • Remodel your enterprise. What does your enterprise need to become, and how will you redefine your company?
  • Remake yourself. Who do you need to be, and how must you remake yourself as a digital era-relevant leader?

The book draws on the authors’ interviews with over 35 C-level executives in global companies and government organizations, plus Gartner’s CIO Agenda survey of 2,800 CIOs. Case studies include GE, Ford, Quicken, U.K. Government, Babolat, Volvo, Publicis, McDonald’s, Tory Burch, India’s BJP party and many others.

Digital to the Core excerpt

About the authors

Mark Raskino is a Vice President and Gartner Fellow in Gartner’s Digital Business Leadership research team. He works primarily with CIOs and CEOs. Raskino covers business and technology macro trends and their implications for business strategy and technology management. His research includes Gartner’s annual CEO survey, CIO resolutions and CEO resolutions. He is co-author of “Mastering the Hype Cycle: How to Choose the Right Innovation at the Right Time” (Harvard Business Review Press, 2008), and is an accomplished and frequent keynote speaker.

You can follow Mark on Twitter at @MarkRaskino and on LinkedIn at

Graham Waller is a Vice President and Distinguished Analyst in Gartner’s Digital Business Leadership research team. Waller works with C-level leaders, particularly those engaging in digital business. He primarily focuses on contemporary leadership and realizing business value via technology. He is co-author of “The CIO Edge: Seven Leadership Skills You Need to Drive Results” (Harvard Business Review Press, 2010). Waller is also co-author of Gartner’s 2014 CIO Agenda, “Taming the Digital Dragon,” and 2015 CIO Agenda, “Flipping to Digital Leadership.” Additionally, he has served as a faculty member of Gartner’s CIO Academy and is a sought-after speaker.

You can follow Graham on Twitter at @GrahamPWaller and on LinkedIn at

Quiz: What’s your digital persona?

In the digital era, change is harder to predict than ever before. Our brief self-assessment explores the three disruptive forces you must master to drive business growth — and the six characteristics that will get you there.

Digital Persona illustrations

Book reviews

“With deep insights and strong take-aways, this is the playbook for surviving and prospering during the continuing digital revolution.”

Terry Jones
Founder,, and Founding Chairman

“As digital technologies penetrate into almost all products and services, they become more disruptive in every industry. Knowing that is easy — understanding and leading the required change is hard. ‘Digital to the Core’ is a book that will help leaders find their pathways to success.”

Don Tapscott
Author, “Wikinomics,” and Co-Author, “Blockchain Revolution”

“It’s too late to catch up with digital, but it’s a great time to leapfrog. This book gives you practical clues about which way to jump.”

Bob Johansen
Author and Distinguished Fellow, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, CA

“Many strive for new revenue streams, but few are delivering truly creative new digital products and services. This book provides excellent thought provocation and frameworks to start this journey towards a sustainable digital business.”

Sabine Everaet
Europe Group CIO, The Coca-Cola Co.

“If the digital revolution has not yet hit your business, it soon will. The authors argue the case for not just navigating digital business, but for embracing it, and offer helpful frameworks for all senior executives in rising to the challenge.”

Michael Earl
Emeritus Professor of Information Management, Oxford University