Clean, efficient, affordable, and usable technologies and fuels are fundamental to building a global market and achieving impact. Consistent methods and metrics, as defined by international standards, help stakeholders navigate the market. Regional Testing and Knowledge Centers apply standardized test methods to guide the sector. By using standards and testing to set ambitious and achievable goals, we can strengthen national policies and drive stove and fuel innovation.
Clean Cooking Catalog
Standards provide rigorous definitions for emissions (relevant for climate and health), efficiency, safety, durability, and quality.
The Alliance provides information on comprehensive lists of protocols (for a range of stove and fuel types) and supports Regional Testing and Knowledge Centers (RKTC).
A variety of fuels are currently employed around the world for household cooking, each with different environmental, social, and economic impacts.
A variety of clean cooking solutions are available to address economic and socio-cultural factors, as well as energy requirements.
Clean Cooking Catalog
Global database of cookstoves and fuels, including features, specifications, prices, and performance
March 09, 2016

At a special UN-hosted TEDx event in Geneva last month, the Alliance’s Dr. Ranyee Chiang helped spread the idea that standards for clean cooking technologies were critical to advancing how the world cooks. They’re also pretty important, she added, when it comes to cooking her “Nai Nai’s” famous meatballs.

April 15, 2019
GBEP E-Learning webinar: BiogasDoneRight® - A systemic view

Contact Information
To reach the Alliance with questions or comments regarding clean cookstoves, fuels, standards, and testing:

For information on contributing to the Clean Cooking Catalog:
