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Community-led development "The Apache Way"

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The World's Largest Open Source Foundation

  • 200M+ lines of code in stewardship
  • 1,119,785,328 lines of code committed
  • 3,231,428 code commits
  • 765 individual ASF Members
  • 7,600 Apache code committers
  • All volunteer community
  • 350+ Projects and Initiatives
  • 300+ Top-Level Projects
  • 52 podlings in the Apache Incubator

$20B+ worth of Apache Open Source software products are made available to the public-at-large at 100% no cost, and benefit billions of users around the world.

"The most popular open source software is Apache…"

DZone, “What Open Source Software Do You Use?”

"Apache-style licensing may yield more adoption and money."

Matt Asay, c|net

"Apache’s 'survival of the fittest' ethos breeds better software"


The ASF develops, shepherds, and incubates hundreds of freely-available, enterprise-grade projects that serve as the backbone for some of the most visible and widely used applications in computing today. Through the ASF's merit-based process known as "The Apache Way," more than 765 individual volunteer Members and 7,600+ code Committers across six continents successfully collaborate on innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Big Data, Build Management, Cloud Computing, Content Management, DevOps, IoT and Edge Computing, Mobile, Servers, and Web Frameworks, among other categories.


OPEN: The Apache Software Foundation provides support for 300+ Apache Projects and their Communities, furthering its mission of providing Open Source software for the public good.

INNOVATION: Apache Projects are defined by collaborative, consensus-based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field.

COMMUNITY: We are a community of developers and users of enterprise-grade, Open Source Apache projects used in every Internet-connected country on the planet.

Apache Projects

The all-volunteer ASF develops, stewards, and incubates more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives that cover a wide range of technologies. From Accumulo to Zookeeper, if you are looking for a rewarding experience in Open Source and industry leading software, chances are you are going to find it here. Are you powered by Apache?

Featured Projects


Apache Commons Net

Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois

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Apache Commons Launcher

Launcher are a set of Java classes which aim at making a cross platform Java application launcher.

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Apache Calcite

Calcite is a framework for writing data management systems. It converts queries, represented in relational algebra, into an efficient executable form using pluggable query transformation rules. There is an optional SQL parser and JDBC driver. Calcite does not store data or have a preferred execution engine. Data formats, execution algorithms,...

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Incubating Projects

The Apache Incubator is the primary entry path into The Apache Software Foundation for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation’s efforts. All code donations from external organisations and existing external projects seeking to join the Apache community enter through the Incubator.


Apache Iceberg (Incubating)

Iceberg is a table format for large, slow-moving tabular data.

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Apache Pony Mail (Incubating)

Pony Mail is a mail-archiving, archive viewing, and interaction service, that can be integrated with many email platforms.

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Apache PageSpeed (Incubating)

PageSpeed represents a series of open source technologies to help make the web faster by rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.

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Latest News

Keep up with the ASF's news and announcements by subscribing to the Apache Announcements List, as well as following the Foundation Blog, Apache Weekly News Round-Ups, @TheASF on Twitter, The Apache Software Foundation on LinkedIn, and on Feathercast, the voice of the ASF.

Apache Project List

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