Media Contacts

The UNFPA media contacts listed below can answer your questions about UNFPA's work in the areas of population and reproductive health and can arrange interviews with experts who can give you more details. They can put you in touch with experts on the following topics:

  • sexual and reproductive health ( including voluntary family planning, maternal health)
  • adolescents and youth (including teen pregnancy, female genital mutilation, child marriage and other harmful practices)
  • women's empowerment (including gender-based violence and discriminatory practices, such as gender-biased sex selection)
  • giving priority to the needs of women in emergencies
  • Sustainable development goals and priorities.

Below contact information is for media inquiries only. For general inquiries please contact

NY Headquarters 

Mr. Eddie Wright:
Communication Specialist
Tel: +1 212 297 2717
Languages: English, French

Regional Communications Advisers

Please see our 'Worldwide' page for more information on UNFPA's geographical organization.

Mr. Samir Aldarabi
Regional Communications Adviser for Arab States, Cairo
Tel. +20 106 8484879 

Mr. Jacob Enoh Eben
Regional Communications Adviser for West and Central Africa (Dakar)
Tel. +221 33 859 8228

Mr. Jens-Hagen Eschenbächer
Regional Communications Adviser for Eastern Europe and Central Asia  (Istanbul)
Tel. +90 212 705 36 72

Mr. Adebayo Fayoyin
Regional Communications Adviser for South and East Africa  (Johannesburg)
Tel. +27 11 603 5303

Mr. Alvaro Serrano
Regional Communications Adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean  (Panama)
Tel. +507 305 5549 

Mr. Roy Wadia
Regional Communications Adviser for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok)
Direct: +66 2 687 0111 
Mobile: +66 848 752 634