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     Jump to Navigation             GiveWell        Giving EffectivelyGiving 101 Your Donation Can Change Someone's Life The Wrong Donation Can Accomplish Nothing Your Dollar Goes Further Overseas Your Dollar Goes Further When You Fund the Right Program Quick Start Guide  How We WorkWho We Are Process Criteria Transparency Evaluations of GiveWell Research FAQ Core Competencies  Top CharitiesMalaria Consortium Deworm the World Initiative Helen Keller International Against Malaria Foundation SCI Foundation Sightsavers The END Fund GiveDirectly Standout Charities  ResearchCharity Site Visits Notes from Research Conversations Intervention Reports Cost-Effectiveness Analyses Other Charity Reviews GiveWell Incubation Grants  Our Mistakes AboutAbout GiveWell Progress to Date Our Story Our People Official Records Reputation Impact Frequently Asked Questions Donate Contact Us Jobs  UpdatesBlog RSS Feeds Stay Updated           Enter search terms here.   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            You are hereHome » Top Charities » November 2011 Archived Version Top Charities - November 2011 Archived Version     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                   We have published a more recent list of top charities. See our most recent list.

 Thousands of hours have gone into finding our top-rated charities. They're proven, cost-effective, underfunded, and outstanding.(Details of our process)__________________________________________________________________________________ #1 Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) Preventing deaths from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa___________________________________________________________ Malaria is a major problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Over 1 million people -- mostly children -- die each year. Insecticide-treated bed nets prevent cases of and deaths from malaria and are relatively inexpensive -- about $5 per net. (For more details, see our full report on bed nets.) We believe that AMF is highly effective in expanding access to bed nets.

 Tax deductibility: US, UK, CAN 

   ____________________________________DonateFull review  #2 Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) 

 Treating children for parasite infections in sub-Saharan Africa___________________________________________________________ In sub-Saharan Africa, a large proportion of people, often children, are infected with parasitic worms that cause short-term symptoms such as anemia, and may cause longer-term developmental problems. These worms are extremely inexpensive to treat -- about $5 to protect a child for 10 years. (For more, see our full report on deworming.) We believe that SCI is highly effective in expanding access to deworming treatment.

 Tax deductibility: US , UK

   ____________________________________DonateFull review  Other standout organizations (Definition of "standout organization")

 Please note: the organizations below are listed in alphabetical order.

 Organization What do they do? Donate GiveDirectly Cash grants to poor households in Kenya Donate Innovations for Poverty Action Research on how to fight poverty and promote development Donate KIPP Houston (United States) Charter schools facing budget cuts Donate Nyaya Health [now know as Possible] Health care in rural Nepal Donate Pratham Primary education in India Donate Small Enterprise Foundation Microloans for women in South Africa Donate Tax deductions are available for the U.S. (only) for all of the above.

 Past top-rated charities with limited room for more funding We believe the charities below are outstanding but have limited short-term room for more funding. 

 Organization What do they do? Donate VillageReach Health-systems logistics in Africa Donate Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse home visits to first-time mothers in the U.S. Donate Our charity evaluation process For details, see our process for international charities and our process for U.S. charities. This page has all charities that we have considered.

 GiveWell's process broadly consists of:

 Examining hundreds of charities and relevant academic literature Deeply investigating the most promising charities by our criteria Publishing all the details of our charity recommendations and the full details of our reasoning on this website Evaluation criteria We primarily look for charities with strong documented track records, highly cost-effective activities, and concrete needs for more funds. Recommended charities must be highly transparent and accountable, i.e., willing to share enough in-depth information about their work that we can assess them on these criteria. 

 Identifying charities We cast the net as wide as we can to consider as many charities as possible, reviewing hundreds of charities' websites and more deeply investigating the most promising ones. This page has all charities that we have considered.

 We identify charities from sources, including:

 Submissions to our website Grantees of other major funders Partners of research organizationsIn-depth charity reviews We perform in-depth reviews of charities that make it through the early stages of our process. These involve conversations with representatives; examination of internal documentation including monitoring and evaluation reports, budgets, and plans for using additional funding; reviewing independent literature and evidence of effectiveness of the charities' programs. For the strongest contenders, we conduct visits to their programs in the field.

  Standout organizations

 Our top-rated charities are the ones we feel will accomplish the most good, per dollar contributed. We also award the "standout" distinction to organizations that meet the following criteria: 

We have found the charities interesting and promising enough to continue in-depth investigation of. The charities have participated fully in our process and helped us gain all the information we needed to assess them fully by our criteria. The charities have cleared us to publish in-depth reviews discussing their performance by these criteria. After considering all available information, we feel that these charities represent outstanding opportunities for donors to accomplish good. We post the names of every charity we consider on our website. This page has all charities that we have considered.

                          Frequently Asked Questions What is GiveWell? GiveWell is an independent nonprofit focused on helping people do as much good as possible with their donations. We recommend a short list of top charities that we update annually. All of our research is free and available to the public.

 Who works at GiveWell? GiveWell was founded by two individuals working in the finance industry in 2007. Our team has grown quite a bit since then! For more, see our story and meet our team.

 How does GiveWell make money? GiveWell is a nonprofit that is funded by donors who choose to support our mission. We don’t take any fees from donations directed to charities we recommend, nor do we receive any fees from charities for being featured on our site.

 Will my donation be tax-deductible? GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) is a federally-recognized tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. GiveWell can accept donations on behalf of our recommended charities. U.S. donors can donate to GiveWell for our operations or the support of our recommended charities and take tax deductions to the extent permitted by the law. More information is available here on the tax-deductibility of donations to GiveWell and our recommended charities, including for donors based outside of the U.S.

 Does GiveWell recommend charities for every cause? We do not. GiveWell's mission is to recommend charities that we believe can save or improve the greatest number of lives per dollar donated. We focus on the areas that we believe are most promising to achieve this aim. This has led us to research and recommend charities working in global health and poverty alleviation because your dollar can go further overseas.

  Learn More      Home Contact Stay updated FAQ For Charities Site map Privacy Policy       Follow Us: Facebook Twitter RSS   Subscribe to email updates:  GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. We serve donors across the Globe; GiveWell's donors are based primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Canada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License         try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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