The FSFE is looking for an executive assistant
11 March 2020
11 March 2020
10 March 2020
02 March 2020
28 February 2020
If you know about a FSFE related event that is not yet listed here or that you run on your own, you can easily add it by using our event announcement tool.
21 March 2020
FSFE BNL (Belgium/The Netherlands/Luxemburg) will meet and be present with a booth at the meeting of the Dutch Linux User Group (LUG) NLLGG in Utrecht. If you are interested in Free Software and the FSFE, pass by and get to know the people from the community and our work. We will be there from 10.00 o'clock to 17.00 o'clock. The booth will be there from 10.00 o'clock to 15.30 o'clock and the BNL meeting is from 16.00 to 17.00 o'clock. The address of the venue is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus.
24 March 2020
Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Deputy Legal Coordinator, will present a talk about the future of Router Freedom in Europe at the Weizenbaum
Institut, the "German Internet Institute". The implementation of Router Freedom rules in Europe has followed diverse paths among countries and has been confronted by several challenges, ranging from business interests, legal hurdles and political pressure. The talk aims to raise awareness for Router Freedom and to understand the impact of future developments over civil society. It will take place on 24 March at 14:30 in room A104/105 of the Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin. The entrance is free.
ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus.
25 March 2020
In der vom Bundesvorstand der CDU beschlossenen "Digitalcharta Innovationsplattform: D" sollen verteilte Systeme und offene Schnittstellen den Weg in die digitale Zukunft beschreiben. Als Paradigma wird auf Open-X gesetzt. Bei der Podiumsdiskussion der Konrad -Adenauer-Stiftung werden Expertinnen und Experten über den Parteitagsbeschluss und die Umsetzung diskutieren. Matthias Kirschner, Präsident der Free Software Foundatione Europe, wird u.a. erklären, wie digitale Souveränität durch den Einsatz von Freie Software hergestellt werden kann.
ACHTUNG: Zur Eindämmung des COVID-19 Virus wir diese Veranstaltung nicht wie geplant stattfinden.
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