Perry Link

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Perry Link
Perry Link.jpg
Born1944 (age 75–76)
Alma materHarvard University

Eugene Perry Link, Jr. (born 1944) (Chinese: 林培瑞; pinyin: Lín Péiruì) is Chancellorial Chair Professor for Innovative Teaching Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages in College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of California, Riverside and Emeritus Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. He specializes in modern Chinese literature and Chinese language. Link is a Harvard University alumnus who received his B.A. in 1966 and his Ph.D. in 1976.

Tiananmen Papers[edit]

Link has translated many Chinese stories, writings and poems into English. Along with Andrew J. Nathan, he translated the Tiananmen Papers, which detailed the governmental response to the 1989 democracy protests. In 1996, China blacklisted Link, and he has been denied entrance ever since. In 2001, Link was detained and questioned upon arriving in Hong Kong because of his involvement in the Tiananmen Papers. After roughly one hour, he was allowed to enter Hong Kong, where he spoke at the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents Club. He has been banned from the People's Republic of China since, however.[1]


Perry Link's publications include Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: Popular Fiction in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Cities (University of California Press, 1981), Evening Chats in Beijing (W.W. Norton, 1994), The Uses of Literature: Life in the Socialist Chinese Literary System (Princeton University Press, 2000), Banyang suibi 半洋隨筆 (Notes of a Semi-Foreigner; in Chinese) (Taipei: Sanminchubanshe, 1999), and An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics (Harvard University Press, 2013). He also translated the Charter 08 manifesto in January 2009. He has also written an article entitled "Legacy of a Maoist Injustice", which was published on July 18, 2007 by many major newspapers, including the Washington Post. He translated Fang Lizhi's memoir, [2], as well as a collection of selected works by Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems (Harvard University Press, 2013).


  1. ^ See Steven W. Mosher, Bully of Asia: Why 'China's Dream' is the New Threat to World Order (Regnery, 2017), p. 274
  2. ^ The most wanted man in China: My Journey from Scientist to Enemy of the State by Fang Lizhi, translated by Perry Link, Henry Holt and Co., 2015 ISBN 9781627794992

External links[edit]