Gartner Consulting

Improve performance through actionable insights, advice and tools

Achieve better business outcomes

Powered by the world’s most comprehensive collection of technology research, data and tools, Gartner Consulting helps CIOs and IT leaders like you address mission-critical priorities to achieve stronger business outcomes in a digital world.

Benchmark Analytics

Fueled by market-leading data and actionable insights delivered by our specialist practitioners, you can make fact-based decisions to:

Measure — know where you are today, understand your costs compared to peers and determine prudent ways to sustain your baseline 

Optimize — assess your best opportunities for improvement and nurture your growth

Transform — use our comparative measurement to align with your business initiatives and demonstrate progress

Strategic Consulting

We help you create a roadmap to success for your mission-critical priorities with our industry-specific best practices.

Solidify your strategic decisions — leverage Gartner Research insights and proprietary data assets

Achieve exceptional results — against mission-critical priorities with independent advice and support from our industry and solution experts

Embrace digital — harness IT to fuel business growth

Contract Optimization

We help you select the right products and services and achieve optimized best pricing and terms.

Optimize costs — overcome challenges associated with complex, high-value and multi-year IT contracts with our comprehensive, global comparative analytics

Achieve optimal terms — sustain productive vendor relationships with our expert negotiation guidance

Mitigate risk — understand proposed contract terms offered by vendors on long-term and strategic commitments through our independent, objective assessments