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Waaq (also Waq or Waaqa) is the ancient name for God in the Cushitic languages of both the Oromo and Somali people in the Horn of Africa.[1][2][3]


In Oromo culture, Waaq, Waaqa or Waaqo was the name of god in a purported early monotheistic faith believed to have been adhered to by Cushitic groups.[2]

With regards to Somalis, since there are no established indigenous religious groups today, no ancient deities or spirits are known. There is no hard evidence of Somalis worshiping this Waaq figure. In totality, there only exists, in present-day, sparsely circulated legends that some use to derive this Waaq figure coupled with archaic word associations that are not currently in use today. Moreover, it is a challenging task to come to conclusions about the obscure history of mythology in Somalis in late antiquity because of the lack of source material on the matter. The handful of books that do mention Waaq were all written Post-1990. It is with a critical mind that one must seriously question the integrity of this myth and it's supposed prevalence amongst Somalis in an era where the aforementioned subject of the debate has no written historical accounts about it, and only after a millennium would we begin to see second-hand accounts being produced. However, an additional point of information to highlight is that Waaq is, in fact, the word for God in colloquial, archaic Cushitic languages of both the Oromo and Somali people. It also appears in the Qur'aan. [3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Thomas, Douglas; Alanamu, Temilola (2018-12-31). African Religions: Beliefs and Practices through History. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-61069-752-1.
  2. ^ a b Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi, Culture and Customs of Somalia, (Greenwood Publishing Group: 2001), p.65.
  3. ^ a b Samatar, Said S. "Unhappy masses and the challenge of political Islam in the Horn of Africa". Horn of Africa. 20: 1–10.